Tapatalk Forum App for xenForo - iOS / Android / Windows Phone Mobile App [Deleted]

lol. I am surprised that Tapatalk does not yet allow your members to create subreddits/groups on tapatalk.
I submitted this as a support ticket on both of the forums I admin

I formally request that the Chat Room feature be disabled for my forum. This feature was implemented without notification, consent, or the ability to disable. This is COMPLETELY unacceptable

This is after I went to the dashboards and determined that there is no opt out. There is not even mention of it as an option anywhere.

So now, Tapatalk not only strips out all of the functionality of your site, they have created an avenue to strip out users and content in a manner that does not appear to allow the ability to moderate.
Good luck with that. Even if they disable it then it will be a matter of time before they think of something new. For the last years there was a new outrage every few months. By now I really don't understand why anyone would still have hope that they can run Tapatalk and retain control of your member base.
@Floyd R Turbo I'm surprised you are still using Tapatalk TBH. This sort of thing happens time and again, they add/remove/ changes things without notifying admins, they lock/delete any threads on their site they don't like. I dumped the add-on two years ago when they were doing this and they haven't changed. Do yourself a favour and bin it and use responsive design instead, or at least get Slavik's mobile app when it comes out.
Tapatalk has done one thing that keeps me on with them: they push notifications continuously regardless of visiting the site. I actually like this compared to a single notification and then nothing until I visit the thread again. If a thread blows up or becomes very active, I get a notification for each reply. I very much like that. No other app does that currently, while at the same time being free.

But this one pushes me over the edge. They actually replied to a thread, but ambiguously, then locked it.

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Tapatalk has done one thing that keeps me on with them: they push notifications continuously regardless of visiting the site. I actually like this compared to a single notification and then nothing until I visit the thread again. If a thread blows up or becomes very active, I get a notification for each reply. I very much like that. No other app does that currently, while at the same time being free.

But this one pushes me over the edge. They actually replied to Morganna's thread, but ambiguously, then locked it.

No, let me clarify it wasn't my thread - I just found it while searching for information for you.
Verified: Leaving a chat and "deleting" it is just for you. I had one of my forum users do that on both my forums and I can still see the chat.
Tapatalk continues to do stuff without letting site admins know. Now I have chat rooms on all my forums, in the Tapatalk app, outside the forum. Started without my review or approval or any heads up. When is Tapatalk going together their f------ head out of their ---
With all respect and cheekiness ...

When is anyone still having Tapatalk on their site going to pull their f------ head out of their ---

... there, fixed it for you :)

Their whole business model, since the change ~2 years ago, has been to be content aggregators. They will continue to 'own' your content and do whatever they can to ensure they are the platform for users to engage with a mashup of content from all there <cough>sucker</cough> content providers whom provide it for free.
Well, that's quite your own fault if you still use tapatalk after all what they have done.

Best decision after using Xenforo was ditchting tapatalk...
The latest iOS app release is a flaming pile of poo. It appears there are massive issues across multiple platforms. It doesn't seem to allow uploading of pics on XF sites.
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