Tapatalk Forum App for xenForo - iOS / Android / Windows Phone Mobile App [Deleted]

I raised complaint with this chat room nonsense, every thread I have opened on their site ended up getting closed... IMHO it circumvents security within the site, basically allows guest s to the site to communicate with members via the chat room... If I wanted a chatroom on the site I would of created one..

The big bug bear now is the Tapatalk signatures.. you now have to subscribe to disable them @ the site owners end.. Massive own goal imho...

I started a thread about his on their support forum.. they are yet to respond..

A.. they are promoting spam.. they aint even signatures, they populate post content with irrelevant nonsense, nonsense that only can be controlled at the user end..

B.. they are now biting the hand that feeds them.. Site Owners are their bread and butter, without them being on board they simply would not exist..

So Tapatalk are intent in going down the path of compromising security for site owners.. not attractive imho...
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No loss. I'd like to see them gone. They are basically a dishonest company, slipping changes in without approval or consent. The big issue I see is that some site owners insist members will leave the forum if Tapatalk goes away. XF has a responsive view. They will adapt. If they leave, that tells me there is something fundamentally wrong with the forum itself if the content isn't retaining members.
I raised complaint with this chat room nonsense, every thread I have opened ended up getting closed... IMHO it circumvents security within the site, basically allows guest s to the site to communicate with members via the chat room... If I wanted a chatroom on the site I would of created one..

The big bug bear now is the Tapatalk signatures.. you now have to subscribe to disable them @ the site owners end.. Massive own goal imho...

A.. they are promoting spam.. they aint even signatures, they populate post content with irrelevant nonsense, nonsense that only can be controlled at the user end..

B.. they are now biting the hand that feeds them.. Site Owners are their bread and butter, without them being on board they simply would not exist..

So Tapatalk are intent in going down the path of compromising security for site owners.. not attractive imho...
In total honestly, my advice to you would be step away from @tapatalk. They have no thought for forum owners. Only their own pockets ( ads plastered inside the app - which wont reach your pocket unless you go for the paid version of $10 per month ).

I stepped away from TapaTalk across all my forums. They still bombard my inbox with spam, I reply with comments as to why I uninstalled it and the concerns I have - for a guy called Erik to reply with "the paid version doesn't have ads blah blah blah". We use CometChat on our forum, we never had any intention to use TapaTalk's chat, but they wouldn't disable it. Instead they provided instructions for each user to manually disable it - I mean, who wants to tell their communities that they have to follow X, Y and Z to remove the chat.

There are plenty of add-ons on the XenForo site which sent push alerts... Hell there is even a pretty decent self branded app that I now use on my main forum and I'm in the process of purchasing it again for one of my other forums (here).

TapaTalk messed up massively. They have no interest in your concerns, only their pockets.

RIP TapaTalk 2015.
OMG. Does this start with a new client update? Would drive me nuts because I'm OCD about no signatures.
It must be controlled at the client/Tapatalk end as I've not updated the Tapatalk XenForo add-on for a little while (because of some of the changes they've been introducing) and we've started seeing the signatures appear over the last few weeks.
Even I am other community members are pissed off with Tapatalk new signature spam. I tried to disable it twice but due to continuous member request, I have to enable it again.

But I think it's high time now we completely discard tapatalk forever.
It must be controlled at the client/Tapatalk end as I've not updated the Tapatalk XenForo add-on for a little while (because of some of the changes they've been introducing) and we've started seeing the signatures appear over the last few weeks.

It used to be available via the Site Owners portal.. but to disable this and the Smart Banner user have to pay $10 a month as part of their BYO subscription...

Many of our forum users depend on Tapatalk,, so we are stuck between a rock and a hard place..
I have seen this for vbulletin https://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=322333&page=2 be nice to have something simlilar for Xenforo..

I don't see this signature nonsense as branding.. far from it.. its too intrusive, particularity being in user contents posts.. For me thats spam, and should be treated in the same way spam is and would welcome any anti spam tool that would help to combat this..

We have implemented strict forum rules.. anyone posting content repeatedly with Tapatalk signatures after politely being ask by mods to remove it, will first be warned, then banned from the thread the postings took place, in severe circumstances, banned from the site..

Obviously by bringing in these rules it falls in line with our No Spam policy...
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A.. they are promoting spam.. they aint even signatures, they populate post content with irrelevant nonsense, nonsense that only can be controlled at the user end..
This used to be something that existing site owners were grandfathered into (global disable) but apparently they have remove that, because I started seeing the "with Tapatalk" signatures popping up again just recently, and that was nothing to do with the addon upgrade as I haven't changed that.

There are plenty of add-ons on the XenForo site which sent push alerts... Hell there is even a pretty decent self branded app that I now use on my main forum and I'm in the process of purchasing it again for one of my other forums (here).
^this. Been using it in TAZ and while it's still a bit buggy IMO it has a lot of promise...for a couple hundred bucks a year, yeah, but it fills the gap vs TT for $120/yr for premium "ransom" payment
This used to be something that existing site owners were grandfathered into (global disable) but apparently they have remove that, because I started seeing the "with Tapatalk" signatures popping up again just recently, and that was nothing to do with the addon upgrade as I haven't changed that.

Yeh I remember that option available via the plugin in xenforo ACP, then they moved it to the Tapatalk Site Owners area to manage it, and now it now as mention it requires a BYO subscription to use the function in the subscription area....
B.. they are now biting the hand that feeds them.. Site Owners are their bread and butter, without them being on board they simply would not exist..
This is not new, or something that they are now doing. It started 18+ mths ago - take a look back through this thread.
IMHO, any forum using TT has little concern for the longevity of their site and the security of their users.
No loss. I'd like to see them gone. They are basically a dishonest company, slipping changes in without approval or consent. The big issue I see is that some site owners insist members will leave the forum if Tapatalk goes away. XF has a responsive view. They will adapt. If they leave, that tells me there is something fundamentally wrong with the forum itself if the content isn't retaining members.

I did a lot of work to make my sites excellent for mobile, and then I dropped Tapatalk. After many months went by with activity levels dropping slowly over time, I decided to give Tapatalk another try. Gradually site activity then recovered. At the same time, I found that Tapatalk's customer service had greatly improved.

If you look at my earlier posts in this thread, I was outspoken about my dissatisfaction with Tapatalk. I do think they have improved quite a bit now. I also very much appreciate their more affordable and much easier BYO process, and my members love the BYO apps.
This thread now marked as [deleted] because the addon is now gone from Resources? Well that's not a good sign.
This thread now marked as [deleted] because the addon is now gone from Resources? Well that's not a good sign.
They removed it because they decided to stop updating resources everywhere and just keep the latest version on their site only (edit: this happened quite a while back) . So it was removed by them from all forum software sites, not just here. Nothing nefarious. They were horribly lazy about keeping it updated anyways. The result is this has become a bash thread, if it wasn't already. No need to continue the bashing IMO...either you love it or you hate it, and they're never going to change their tune, nuff said.
Hi! Users are complaining about standard mentions. They do not show at Tapatalk.
Is there any option to make mentions available at Tapatalk?
I'm also using this plugin:

PD: checked this,
but I've made a simple installation without customizing anything, so that shouldn't be the problem.

PS 2: asking at tapatalk: https://support.tapatalk.com/threads/user-mention-not-creating-alerts-on-tapatalk.34034/
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