[TAC] Stop Country Spam

[TAC] Stop Country Spam [Paid] 3.1.5

No permission to buy ($19.00)
I've tested a fresh install and an upgrade of version StopCountrySpam - v1.0.14 (I would strongly recommend updating to this version if your version is between v1.011 - v1.0.13 since debug bugs had crept in)

This now checks the users country when registering via :
  • The Registration page
  • When sending the pareters directly to the registration request page (I've found most bots seem to attempt both)
  • FaceBook (optional)
I've also tested and made sure that the default JSON settings have the correct index capitalisation

Still keep in mind.. many bot users will use fake IP addresses (proxies), so this is better used to prevent human spammers that do not use proxies rather than bots
YESSSS... everything is now working as expected. I did have to correct the syntax, i.e., CountryCode2
This is probably the most important addon!!!!!! and should be integral with the core.

The StopCountrySpam log provides most complete data to show you EXACTLY what is going on when these spam attacks occur.

thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
I woke up this morning.... had five spammers got in, over five pages in the StopCountrSpam log. They used proxies located in the US...
So what I do about spammers... ban- the IP and delete the user.
I keep saying, this is better for stopping manual spammers. Most bot users will use proxies... It's quite hard to detect proxies without falsely detecting some real users

Try one of the other captcha mechanisms (there are some good free ones on xenforo), and I would also use a secondary mechanism. So far, I haven't had one bot get through foolbothoneybot and customimgcaptcha together... And I don't expect I ever will... But there are plenty of bot prevention techniques, stop country spam will only target users that are not using proxies (this will only be a fraction of bot users)
You could ban the ip, but it might not help.... They will cycle through lots of ip addresses, it will be a hard job to keep banning them, proxy ip addresses are very easy to get a hold of, and fairly disposable
3. Upgrade from file on server: library/StopCountrySpam/addon-StopCountrySpamxml
3. Upgrade from file on server: library/StopCountrySpam/addon-StopCountrySpam.xml (DOT ADDED)
Hello tenants

I am runing version 1.0.9 and it seems stopped blocking country spam because i started to notice registartions from a blocked countries and when i checked the StopCountrySpam logs i found the last log event were on november 3, i cleared the logs and waited for 24 hrs to check if there will be any log events but there was nothing.

my settings are as following:
JSON request: http://api.easyjquery.com/ips/?ip="{$ip}"&full=true
index name: countryCode2
definitely upgrade.

although this does not target bots in particular (since many bots use proxies), I noticed some bots POST directly to the actionRegistration request page, this wasn't caught in earlier versions (v1.0.14 does catch these requests)

Ah, also I believe api.easyjquery changed their index name to CountryCode2 (notice the capital C at the start)...

You can either use that index name, or use the JSON site I use (I recommend this one):

JSON Request: http://api.wipmania.com/{$ip}
Index Name: (none.. just leave it blank)

Or if you register (only takes a few seconds), they provide you a key for free
JSON Request: http://api.wipmania.com/{$ip}?k=XXX&t=json
Index Name: country['code']

There are some more JSON Request sites listed here: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/stopcountryspam-paid.36271/#post-412948

If ever in doubt, a good way to check what the 2 letter country code index name is, is by simply navigating to the request page

(notice the "CountryCode2":"RU" )
Yes, it should be compatible with all plug-ins (there's not reason it cant be)

But yes, I use it with the anitSpam plug-ins: CustomImgCaptcha, FoolBotHoneyPot (and PhoneVerify)
It either takes them to​
Core Phrase: new_registrations_currently_not_being_accepted​
So it looks like your board is not currently accepting new registrations​
Custom Template Message (defined in the template: StopCountrySpam_BannedMsg).​
So you can customise the message the users recices in the ACP​

These two options can be set in the ACP

If you want to let proxies users know that they should turn off their proxy, then use the Custom Template and add the message to that template

By default, it's set as

<xen:title>XenForo - {xen:phrase error}</xen:title>
    Your country has been blocked from registering, if you believe this is a mistake and would like to contact the administrator contact us here:
    <a href="{xen:link 'misc/contact'}" class="OverlayTrigger" data-overlayOptions="{&quot;fixed&quot;:false}">{xen:phrase contact_us}</a>

So you can add to that message to include

Your country has been blocked from registering or a Proxy has been detected....
A small issue with this... I blocked a persistent members country who wouldn't stop hounding us, being the United Arab Emirates. Not a country we have anyone from other than this member... I also blocked all countries directly around it.

The member could still view the site, use contact us, post in the guest forum, etc. It doesn't stop them accessing the site outright. This is your latest version... as I had uninstalled this prior and reinstalled it just for this member who just wouldn't stop. It didn't stop them, and their IP still got through without issue.
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