Lack of interest Support Ticket System - Handling emails to support@

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Well-known member
Hi, Something I've been pondering over for a while... We have a big board and get a lot of emails from the contact us form. Until recently these were being missed on a fairly regular occurance due to the sheer amount of spam. (Board's been around since 2002, so you can imagine how many spam lists the contact email address is on!)

What I thought could be a good solution was a built-in ticketing system, so it either picks up the requests sent through the contact us form, or monitors an email address and any emails it gets it puts into the ticket queue. Obviously some spam will get detected, so there needs to be a quick way to handle that.

But if members of the mod team could then take ownership of the tickets and then action them, it would save me as the admin quite a bit of time in doing them myself.
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Kayako and deskpro have login sharing, but for tickets that's really not enough. You need to be able to see which XF account a user has and staff needs to see XF notifications of new tickets.
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