Stuck at Step #4


I'm attempting to install XenForo on a VPS instance at WiredTree through the terminal. This is my first time doing anything like this so I would like to enlist the help of fellow forum/customer members. I have WHM and cPanel also available at my disposal and plan on having gConverter convert our Drupal forum data on our MySQL database to XenForo data.

What would be the easiest way to keep moving forward as I'm stuck at Step #4.1: "Direct your browser to the install directory within the URL that corresponds to your upload. (e.g.,"

How do I point my browser from the terminal, WHM, or cPanel? Also, I uploaded everything to the "www" folder which is a sub-folder of the root folder so it's inside /root/www.

Thanks in advance for any help!
The install script runs as a web page. The site must be online and accessible via a URL for you to run the install page.

If you are having an import done then you may not need to run the install. Rather you would upload the XF files and restore the backup they provide you.
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