As designed Strip out [ATTACH]


Well-known member
A thumbnail is already included, so I don't see any reason for the tag ATTACH to appear.

Perhaps this is more of a suggestion than bug... ;)

Снимок экрана 2013-03-23 в 17.51.34.webp
I am vaguely familiar with what you're referring to, but you've not really given us detail.

What thumbnail? Where? Where do you see the [ATTACH] tag?[/ATTACH]
Well, what you've done in the first post, is enclosed a load of your text in an actual [ATT ACH tag. You need to wrap it in [PLAIN] tags or break the tag like I've done so it doesn't render as a proper tag.
And to be fair, yes, the thumbnail is displayed, but the [ATTACH] tag puts context as to where the thumbnail actually is within the post.
The attach placeholder is included as it represents part of the content - the same applies with other media content. The text may not make sense (or their may not even be any) without it.
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