Steam Authentication & Integration

Steam Authentication & Integration 1.6.3

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So I have this add-on setup on my forums and I'm doing the following steps to try logging in.
  1. Logged out of the forums so that I can see the "Sign in through STEAM This site is not associated with Valve Corp." button.
  2. I sign in with Steam.
  3. It says "Create New Account" or "Associate Existing Account". I click the latter.
  4. I enter the username and password for my forums, but then it says,

    To associate with an existing account, you must first log into that account.
Is there a way to associate my account while logged in?
So I have this add-on setup on my forums and I'm doing the following steps to try logging in.
  1. Logged out of the forums so that I can see the "Sign in through STEAM This site is not associated with Valve Corp." button.
  2. I sign in with Steam.
  3. It says "Create New Account" or "Associate Existing Account". I click the latter.
  4. I enter the username and password for my forums, but then it says,
Is there a way to associate my account while logged in?

You can associate accounts while logged in. goto user panel and then to external accounts

For Example mine is as follows
http://www. f-r-a-g. com/index.php?account/external-accounts

try that but with your web address.
fix problem with login:
find in folder "ControllerPublic" - file "Register.php"

In line 658
preg_match("#^[0-9]{17,25})#", $_GET['openid_claimed_id'], $matches);
change to https
preg_match("#^[0-9]{17,25})#", $_GET['openid_claimed_id'], $matches);
Hey guys,

Just as a heads up, I can't maintain my fork on GitHub, so if anybody wants to patch it you are welcome to fork it and create a new resource on here.

I'll post my updated fork later on today, then (y)

Thanks for your hard work and dedication for all these years.
Awesome to see this updated, thanks! Care to elaborate the changes between your version and this one?

Currently, the only real change is patching it to support the new response returned by Steam. So, it'll work out of the box, basically.

I intend on keeping it maintained and patched until XenForo 1 is fully discontinued, though.
ErrorException: Undefined offset: 1 - library/Steam/ControllerPublic/Register.php:659
Generated By: Unknown Account, 6 minutes ago
Yeah this seems bad, isn't anyone else with this problem? If this was Steam API shenanigan's this addon for xF1 is as good as dead then.
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