sonnb - XenGallery (XenForo Gallery) [Deleted]


1 + 2: It is fixed length in the database.
3. You mean the overlay? You can disable overlay view in Style properties.

Yes, sure.

Currently, there is not Xenporta block to do this but you can use Widget Framework.
Thanks for your answer.
I've already purchased this gallery but it won't allow me to download it without paying again, any help would be appreciated.
I've already purchased this gallery but it won't allow me to download it without paying again, any help would be appreciated.
Are you trying to download from here or Sonnb's site? After purchasing, go to Sonnb's site and download from the Resources section on his site.
Just checked my paypal and found my username, downloaded successfully, thanks guys.
Totally forgot I had registered there :D

i have a error in the privacy settings... when a user set picture privacy "where can see this" to userdefined and add a other username in the inputfield, then cant this other user see this picture.
But the setting say that this other user will be the only one what should be able to see this picture.

Is there a bugfix for this?

i have a error in the privacy settings... when a user set picture privacy "where can see this" to userdefined and add a other username in the inputfield, then cant this other user see this picture.
But the setting say that this other user will be the only one what should be able to see this picture.

Is there a bugfix for this?
Can you explain more?
So I am considering buying this....but it really depends on how it replaces some of my key features on my site. One of them is what we call Plogs or Painting Logs. These are a thread created by a user in a which they post their pictures, and members feed back, give them advice etc. It is not so much a static showcase (which we do have also) but a working thread as people progress painting their models.

Looking at your add-on in context I think more likely that a user album would equal one of these threads. So my main questions would be:
  • Can you limit user albums, like one per user? Would I be able to create a master category called painting logs, in which a member could have one album which is effectively their painting log?
  • Can you have discussions on an album, pretty much like how Resources works. In face I did consider Resources at one point but is severely lacks the additional functions for the pictures. Ideally it would be good for Members's to be able to start off with pictures, and then add new ones later which allows them to also post an update (again like Resources). Other Member's can then either reply back to the album discussion or make comments directly on pictures like the current functionality.
  • Option to exclude / promote showcase. I see their is an option to showcase latest pictures on the main forum (option for widget as well?) etc, however many of the pictures we have are work-in-progress which members post in their painting logs. Ideally it would be good to choose which images are showcased.
  • Picture competition :) I would really like a picture competition that utilises XF poll function as well as some other requirements. I would be happy to help provide a functional specification if you like.
  • this is more of a would be option to convert exist threads to the above mentioned albums with discussions if it was possible.

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