sonnb - XenGallery (XenForo Gallery) [Deleted]

When I go to share pictures on Facebook or Google+ using the buttons I'm getting these errors:

Screen Shot 2013-08-07 at 6.40.29 PM.webp Screen Shot 2013-08-07 at 6.40.09 PM.webp

What do I have wrong?

I have the most recent update installed.
Hmm. Other pictures are working. This is a picture in a gallery that I set up for other members to upload to and the picture in question was uploaded by another member. It shows up with my Avatar though and it won't let me share to Facebook.
Thank you for update. Upgrade Gallery. All ok in process. But when I tried delete one album push ON RED button, got this error:
Controller sonnb_XenGallery_ControllerAdmin_XenGallery for routing gallery/album/delete not found.

IF delete standart method: check album and push "Delete Selected" button then all works fine.
Anyway, I'm really excited your coolest hack!
When I opened tab "Cameras" queries to mysqlDB(or very nice optimisations) DEcreased by half! And opened this tab for 1,5-2 sec instead of 5-6 sec! GOOD!

And EXIF data works for me on sonnB xenGallery 1.0.9. Or I'm wrong?
What is EXIF data?

Exif data is a record of the settings a camera used to take a photo or video. This information is embedded into the files the camera saves, and we read and display it here.
Taken on    23 июл 2013
Posted to Gallery    11 мин. назад
Exif data
Camera    Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL
Exposure    0.002 sec (1/500)
Aperture    ƒ/14
Focal Length    18 mm
ISO Speed    200
Exposure Program    Auto
Date and Time (Modified)    23 июл 2013
The error because template contains wrong link. This has been reported by @RoldanLT and I have fixed it and would be in the next update.

Your EXIF works. @DRE 's case would be only occurred on some photos with non well-formed EXIF date value .
Just tried it and now it works for Google+ but not Facebook.

Edit: Working for everything BUT Facebook.
Hmm. Other pictures are working. This is a picture in a gallery that I set up for other members to upload to and the picture in question was uploaded by another member. It shows up with my Avatar though and it won't let me share to Facebook.
Hello Mark,

It depends on individual photo and album as each photo and album has separated privacy. You could see that photo but others might not able to see as privacy does not allow them.
Can you consider adding RSS for our user galleries and one for the index so that it will show all public media through a global RSS. This allows us to attach our items to our Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or other blog feed. This is a feature that other online photo galleries like Picassa and Flickr have.
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great Addon - looks realy good.:)

Will it have a photoplog importer inside?
We have a vBulletin 3.8.x and the PhotoPlog Pro v. Addon (since a long time unsupported).
And is there a import way for the vb 3.8.x User Alben ?

Can you consider adding RSS for our user galleries and one for the index so that it will show all public media through a global RSS. This allows us to attach our items to our Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or other blog feed. This is a feature that other online photo galleries like Picassa and Flickr have.
Added to to-do list.

great Addon - looks realy good.:)

Will it have a photoplog importer inside?
We have a vBulletin 3.8.x and the PhotoPlog Pro v. Addon (since a long time unsupported).
And is there a import way for the vb 3.8.x User Alben ?

Hello otto,

Since it is a paid script and not many users use it. I cannot promise you that an importer for it would be available. However if you really need it we could talk about it privately.
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