So, what don't you like about XenForo?

Would this addon help you out for this?

It shows who has read a forum and it works pretty nicely on my site.
For the sake of completeness:
Yes, its nice. But very different.

What we are looking for is a function that shows us who is in a thread or forum right now and what they are doing (viewing, editing a post or replying)
But yeah, I will very likely use Borboles addon as well.
This makes no sense to me. o_O The XF admin control panel is one of the best I have seen.
Methinks you should look at more control panels then. And no, I don't want to engage in a discussion about all of the control panels you have used.

I am big on UI and aesthetics. Not everyone is a hardcore DUI webmaster.
Still working on my theme, very hard to get it right compared to vB3, and the special effects are starting to annoy me, just doesn't look good with dark themes, and I found color style related hardcoded in lots of places, someone should clean this up :)
Still working on my theme, very hard to get it right compared to vB3, and the special effects are starting to annoy me, just doesn't look good with dark themes, and I found color style related hardcoded in lots of places, someone should clean this up :)
There are a lot of nice dark styles I've seen on XF sites, but you're right, they are traditionally a lot harder to make because they involve, for the most part, inverting the default color scheme. I started by hitting invert all on the color scheme options which did a lot of the work for me (though obviously, fine tuning was required).
There are a lot of nice dark styles I've seen on XF sites, but you're right, they are traditionally a lot harder to make because they involve, for the most part, inverting the default color scheme. I started by hitting invert all on the color scheme options which did a lot of the work for me (though obviously, fine tuning was required).

Dark styles - Meet the editor and styling it. #nightmare
The two things keeping me from converting my larger vb board to XF, even though I bought the license for it on day 1, are:

1. Lack of functionality for many styles - some of us need the ability to have more than two styles, and having to coax and retry retry retry to get template changes to save even with only a handful of styles is frustrating to say the least. XF styling is designed for those who have one only skin, which can be customized up the wazoo, but it doesn't work for those of us who use one template set and just change the coloring and graphics for our styles. Not everyone needs lots of styles, true, but some of us do and the functionality should be there if we want it.

2. No limit on private conversations - not everyone wants to allow their members to keep 10,000 private conversations. There needs to be the ability to set a limit per user.

Though I'm pretty confident the PC thing will show up eventually, the styling one is the one that worries me because it's not a concern that seems to be taken seriously by anyone.

And though I wouldn't hold up my import for it, the thing that drives me crazy about XF is how difficult it is (I haven't figured it out yet) to get borders between columns in the threads list. Two colors next to each without a border is just my personal pet peeve, I think it looks terrible.

The default washy colour theme, plain uinfo box, font type. Stuff like that right now. Simple stuff that can be changed easily enough. Even though vb5 is disgusting, I kinda like theme it uses, and with arial type font. Looks a little more 'business' like. Yes, I have seen the xdisconnect theme. Not bad.
I'd like to see the WYSIWYG editor to be act more like a standard editor. Where as an admin I can specify the toolbar tools allowed on my forum. So for example if I only allow the bold, if I paste in text with bold, size, font etc, it would remove all but the bold tags.
Still preparing for a vB to XF migration (rewriting custom stuff etc.). So I have been thinking of what our members are most likely going to miss or gripe about. Not being able to upload signature images is definitely one big issue. We've been propagating for a long time to our members to use the upload signature feature rather than linking to some third party websites - for various reasons including avoiding significant slow-downs (freebie image hosters aren't exactly fast) and avoiding images used as "web bugs" (to track our members).

All these members would suddenly lose their signatures, and worse, there won't be an alternative other than disallowing the use of images in signatures (which our members wouldn't exactly see as a benefit of the new forum software) or allowing them to host with third-parties (which we aren't so keen on).
Really dislike the pain/time involved in rebuilding caches when installing/updating add-ons and styles. I completely understand the performance gains on the frontend by doing a lot of compilation at the backend but please make it multithreaded or something. Give the admins the options of using all their cores and MySQL capacity to speed up the process or failing that, allow batch processing of add-on upgrades.
I'd like to see the WYSIWYG editor to be act more like a standard editor. Where as an admin I can specify the toolbar tools allowed on my forum. So for example if I only allow the bold, if I paste in text with bold, size, font etc, it would remove all but the bold tags.
-> here.
The biggest thing I don't like about Xenforo is that it does not cook me dinner.

Has been a really powerful tool in managing/creating/empowering my community and I find it really hard to look at any other solution after this one.

Good job xF!
I hate the editor (tinyMCE). It's buggy, slow, ugly, and limited (can't resize?). At first I didn't care that much but right now I think they should get rid of it asap. I'd prefer they code their own stable and fast editor. Just basic, not too fancy.

Other than that more free add-ons, more essential features...

That and lack of integrated spam management features have been my only real gripes.

Spam management: I'd rather not have to load up on add-ons -- it should all be built in -- but thanks to a great user community, we do have ample ways to deal with the spam.

Editor: It just sucks, really. A very large amount of my posting is blogging, and the formatting means a lot to me. I finy myself repeated editing the same post over and over to get the layout (blank lines & tabs) just right. This phony WYSIWIG editor is any but WYSIWIG: What you see when you click "Post Reply" often is NOT what you get, and it often takes 3 or 4 edits to get what I want. It wastes a awful lot of my time. Blank lines immediately following bolded lines seem to be the worst offenders.

Big plus, from the end-user perspective: The way XF remembers what you've already read & shows a thread starting at the next unread thread. That is an enormous improvement in usability over vB.
I finy myself repeated editing the same post over and over to get the layout (blank lines & tabs) just right. This phony WYSIWIG editor is any but WYSIWIG: What you see when you click "Post Reply" often is NOT what you get, and it often takes 3 or 4 edits to get what I want. It wastes a awful lot of my time. Blank lines immediately following bolded lines seem to be the worst offenders.
Try this. I'm not sure all your problems will be fixed but most of them.
The fact that a user can't subscribe to a forum (e.g. "Watch this Forum") is really suprising. Users should be able to do this and be notified when new threads are posted to a forum they watch or susbscribe to. This is such a basic fundamental feature that I'm shocked that XF doesn't have it.
The fact that a user can't subscribe to a forum (e.g. "Watch this Forum") is really suprising. Users should be able to do this and be notified when new threads are posted to a forum they watch or susbscribe to. This is such a basic fundamental feature that I'm shocked that XF doesn't have it.
There is an addon for that...its called forum watch
I don't like how the developers of Xenforo stayed silent during the trial. I, like many other folks took a chance on them when they launched, and used this platform for communities that we have invested a lot of money in. The least they could do was give us a heads up for supporting Xenforo out of the gate. I see no legal conflict with that. Instead, they stayed silent and left us in the dark.

Granted KAM is talented, but at the end of the day you have to take into account how the developers conduct business, and not just how the software performs. This is especially important if you are a business owner. For hobby sites, I understand as it is not mission critical.

What happens the next time KAM encounters adversity? Will they tuck tail and go dark on us again? An official statement from them in regards to this would be nice. Otherwise, I'm not sure I can invest in XF from a commercial perspective, no matter how glittery or shiny everything looks.
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