Simple Forms [Paid] [Deleted]

Hi John.

I was wondering if there was a way to code the option to select only a specific number of options in a form? So say users can only select two favorite colors or something, would this be feasible at the moment? Or, users must select more than x number of options?

Thank you!
Interesting feature. So basically for checkbox groups setting a max number of selected? Just want to confirm what you're looking for.
That sounds correct! Unless I'm still not explaining it very well, basically a maximum or minimum setting for total amount of options that can be selected with the checkbox setting.

Is this possible at all?
That sounds correct! Unless I'm still not explaining it very well, basically a maximum or minimum setting for total amount of options that can be selected with the checkbox setting.

Is this possible at all?
Not currently no. It would have to be developed for a future release, but doesn't sound too hard to do.
I am providing a form to a new thread. If I fill the form from the formlist, a new thread with all
form-fields appears.
But in the node forum the new-thread-button dont link to the form.
Where can be my error?
I am providing a form to a new thread. If I fill the form from the formlist, a new thread with all
form-fields appears.
But in the node forum the new-thread-button dont link to the form.
Where can be my error?
You have to set the forum node to use that form. This can be done in the Node options via the admincp.

There is an option called "Replace New Thread Button".
Its fairly straight forward. You name the destination what you would like. For example if it's an email to a particular person you'd could say "Email Notice to John". This way you can easily identy which destination does what. Name is a pretty standard field for anything. But we will add a little disclaimer below.
not really... it would be nice way for you to further promote your product so as to convince XF admins that they really need to purchase your addon. just looking for concept based examples
Sorry about that, I didn't get an email that you responded. I'll see if I can setup some "example forms" to look at. I'll set them up to not really do anything, but you can see how you can set some up. Give me a little bit of time. :)
Is it possible to have the forms to show up in an overlay. Like when clicking a link to a form, have it pop up instead of directing to a separate page.
Is it possible to have the forms to show up in an overlay. Like when clicking a link to a form, have it pop up instead of directing to a separate page.
As of this moment, no. But we can put in as a feature request. The difficulty is determining where this is done. From the form list page? From the new thread button you create? It would need to be an option most likely.
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