Lack of interest Searching & Saving of Private Messages

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New member
Have been using XenForo for more than a 5 years and while I do enjoy it much more than the previous forum software that we utilized there was a feature on the old forum that I have yet to see implemented in XenForo.
That being the ability to download/save the PM history to text, csv, html.
Neither XenForo nor the previous forums software had the ability to search through the PMs.
I would love it if one or either of these could be implemented in XenForo.
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I hope anyone running this add-on has informed their members, in a very public way, that you will be viewing their private messages.
I hope anyone running this add-on has informed their members, in a very public way, that you will be viewing their private messages.
Have you told your users in a very public way that you could easily search the database and read their private messages?

very good point. I make it clear that on a forum there is no such thing asa "private message"

If as forum admin has actually told people their conversations are "private" that seem a bit dodgy to me. Even Google Analytics can view the titles of conversations as we know from another thread.

And this discussion is best left out of this suggestion as it's a bit of a hijack.
Have you told your users in a very public way that you could easily search the database and read their private messages?

No, that is inherent knowledge; most users know that websites log information. I have never read a private message that was not directed to me.

A more ethical way would be to develop an add-on that uses AI to recognize messages that need to be flagged and read for legal reasons.
Ouch! No, no. In fact this isn’t what I wanted at all. I don’t want to read all forum members PMs. I just want to be able to search through the thousands of PMs that I have... I guess there is no add-on that can do so?
@Xon has two add-ons that I think would be useful for you:

1) Conversation Improvements (Free)

2) Conversation Essentials (Paid)
There is/was an add-on that you could set up different folders for storing conversations within

Do a search for:
Bespoke - Conversation Folders
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