XF 1.5 Searching for (specific) User Custom Title?


Well-known member
Somewhat related to this question, I have discovered that when I imported my vB database I had some users who were currently custom labeled as Email Defunct. The one just I tripped across, I checked and his user status was valid so I just blanked out the Custom Title field on his account and all's well now.

However, I now wonder how many of these type of users I may have in my system? :oops: In looking around, I can't seem to find a way to search and identify these users. Is there a way to do so in XF? If not, is there a specific SQL query I could run to retrieve a user listing of them?
You can run this query to list all users with custom titles:
SELECT user_id, username, custom_title FROM xf_user WHERE custom_title <> ''

If you want to list the results by title:
SELECT user_id, username, custom_title FROM xf_user WHERE custom_title <> '' ORDER BY custom_title
If they are in a specific user group then couldn't you search for all users that are in that specific user group in acp>users>search for users then scroll down and select either the primary user group or secondary user group to search for?
If they are in a specific user group
That is my problem, in vB they had their own user group with a Custom Title. When I migrated to XF, I basically put all users into Registered then tried to sort out what few very additional user groups I used to have in vB. So, right now, these users are in Registered with (an old/leftover) Custom Title, but not in a Secondary User Group (yet)...at least I can identify them now with Brogan's help above. (y)
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