Search & Filter Custom fields


Well-known member
I would like to be able to search custom fields and also to be able to filter on custom fields.
There are a lot of situations where this would be very handy. In some cases it would allow us to merge forums and just use custom fields instead.

For example: in the bug reports forums here there is a custom field for XF version.
It would be handy if you could search or filter for all bugs for a specific version.

Additionally: it could be taken a step further and make the custom field hotlinked to the search. So to take the example of XF version field, you could add a field for 'fixed version' and have this hotlinked a a search for all bugs fixed by this version. This in turn would give you a handy link to all fixes in a software release.
There are many ways in which that function could be handy.
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Upvote 119
Is this still not a thing? How is this still not a thing? This is needed for CTF's badly! CTF's are great, but without filtering, there is no point of them.
This x100000000

Searching and filtering of all custom fields is 1000% needed for them to be useful. We shouldn't have to rely on third party add-ons for this as it would be much more robust in core.
Need this right now. Prefix is limited version of custom search drop down field type. Need to be convert to that with some optional switcher on how it displayed (to display as prefix).
this is awesome, @Alpha1 is this used for filter thread lists too or other content types in IPS?
@Chris D is this a major feature difficult to implement or simply you think this is not important?

@Bob is going to like a lot if implemented. 🙃
There will be much rejoicing for sure if this is implemented. I'm shocked that it isn't already as searching content on your forums is vitality important.

monty python and there was much rejoicing GIF
this is awesome, @Alpha1 is this used for filter thread lists too or other content types in IPS?
That awesome example of how IPS used it many many years ago is outdated. (2018) They now took it to a new level with a compact mobile friendly version. Its really useful for filtering the Unread Content page, because it gives the member one page with ALL unread content and for example allows the member to filter which content types you do or don't want to see and save that filter profile to your liking. This also allows the member to generate multiple content streams or even subscribe to it with (email) notifications. And the member can switch between expanded and condensed layout.

So yeah, that looks like 2023 to me. XF content filtering as far as it exists is very outdated.
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