Search & Filter Custom fields


Well-known member
I would like to be able to search custom fields and also to be able to filter on custom fields.
There are a lot of situations where this would be very handy. In some cases it would allow us to merge forums and just use custom fields instead.

For example: in the bug reports forums here there is a custom field for XF version.
It would be handy if you could search or filter for all bugs for a specific version.

Additionally: it could be taken a step further and make the custom field hotlinked to the search. So to take the example of XF version field, you could add a field for 'fixed version' and have this hotlinked a a search for all bugs fixed by this version. This in turn would give you a handy link to all fixes in a software release.
There are many ways in which that function could be handy.
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Upvote 119
One more vote for this. I'm new but this seems like it should be available with the core system. Adding field without being able to search them seems like they left out a strong feature that can easily break during upgrades if 3rd parties develop the addon.

Otherwise, it would make sense if this was included with enhanced search.
One more vote for this. I'm new but this seems like it should be available with the core system. Adding field without being able to search them seems like they left out a strong feature that can easily break during upgrades if 3rd parties develop the addon.

Otherwise, it would make sense if this was included with enhanced search.


I would also like a custom fields search/filter integrated into Xenforo
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