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[SchmitzIT] XenForo MediaWiki Bridge 2.0

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Curious. Does this have permissions of which users/groups can sign into the Wiki? I only one selected individuals to do this. Also, will it work if my Wiki is on a subdomain?

It's basically going to allow everyone access, though you could probably set things up differently in the wiki if you need it.

I see no reason why it should not work on a sub domain.
I am using mediawiki but i don't have it set to I had it set to because i have a I would rather that be used instead. How exactly would i go about setting that up?
We tried getting that to work, but failed miserably at it. Not even sure whether it was the bridge or MediaWiki that caused issues.
We tried getting that to work, but failed miserably at it. Not even sure whether it was the bridge or MediaWiki that caused issues.
What do you mean? The subdomain setup i have?

Edit: I moved my wiki to /wiki but still have it set to forward to my wiki.subdomain but my xenforo install is in the root directory so what would i set my path to xenforo?
I can't get this bridge to work. I should be using the latest mediawiki. I also tried setting the forum path to so many different things. My install of xenforo is in the root of my web server. Not sure what to do here but my members are looking to do some editing soon.
I have had some bad results when using 1.20 myself. We run it on 1.19, and that seems to work out.

Our setup has the forum in the root, and wiki in /w, with htaccess rules to change that to /wiki instead. When we tried using wiki.oursite, that did not work, so we ended up just dropping the database for the wiki on a second server and running the rest on the primary server.
I have had some bad results when using 1.20 myself. We run it on 1.19, and that seems to work out.

Our setup has the forum in the root, and wiki in /w, with htaccess rules to change that to /wiki instead. When we tried using wiki.oursite, that did not work, so we ended up just dropping the database for the wiki on a second server and running the rest on the primary server.
That's no fun. :(
Sorry. That's how we managed it, and I haven't really taken time to try other installations than that.
Would this addon work on multiple wikis versus one forum? All wikis are new and has no content.

For the subdomain problem, I suspect that the problem lies within this part:


If the MEDIAWIKI_PATH_TO_XENFORO constant is set to something that transverses backwards (i.e ../) it won't work( makes no sense)*. This eventually needs to be fixed however I am not familiar with MW. Maybe if I have time I'll provide a fix.

Also, this will not work on cross-server setup because the MW part requires the XF part to do auth. Probably will want to write an API (probably the REST API lying around in the Resource Manager?), but again I don't have time on hand right now.

*EDIT: Actually, I have no idea what $GLOBALS['IP'] is in MW scope.
I've used this add-on for a while now and am now running XenForo 1.1.4 and MediaWiki 1.19.4. If a member views a wiki page when logged into XenForo their online status will show "was last seen: Viewing wiki" and that wiki link is /w/load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=jquery

Clicking that link results in a page of text starting with mw.loader.implement("jquery",function($){.....[followed by more jQuery JavaScript] and ending with /* cache key: <<DB_PREFIX>>_wiki-wiki_:resourceloader:filter:minify-js:7:7634...SOME KEY */

Is there a way to disable that link possibly through a template or something? Having the database name exposed like that seems like a security issue. The bridge works great otherwise.
Awesome plugin! I haven't installed it yet. Is it compatible with the current version of Xen? Also, is the current version of Mediawiki compatible with this mod?
I'm running the bridge on XenForo 1.1.4 (current version) and MediaWiki 1.19.6 (current version of MW 1.19.x) now, and I'm no longer getting the error I posted before. Users in this discussion have reported the bridge doesn't work with MW 1.20, but since 1.19 has long-term support until May 2015 it will continue getting minor version updates until then.
SchmitzIT, any word on this working on Mediawiki 1.20 yet?

I'd like this to work with 1.20.3 when you can figure it out, cause my wiki works on that. I was going to force users to join my forum to have a connected account to Mediawiki because if there was any vandals on my wiki, I can ban them from the forums and wiki... For good cause I also got Evercookie Ban.

You can take your time on figuring this out. I just would like to have integration with that Mediawiki version.
On our site, it does work with 1.20. We had to disable some custom code to get that working (as that somehow interfered with the bridge), but we haven't had any complaints since.
Happened upon an error when attempting to test admindav.php from XenForo (1.2.0 Beta 1):
ErrorException: Declaration of MediaWiki_Dependencies_Public::route() should be compatible with that of XenForo_Dependencies_Abstract::route() - library/MediaWiki/Dependencies/Public.php:2
Generated By: Unknown Account, 1 minute ago

Stack Trace
#0 /forums/public/library/MediaWiki/Dependencies/Public.php(2): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(2048, 'Declaration of ...', '/forums/public/...', 2, Array)
#1 /forums/public/library/XenForo/Autoloader.php(119): include('/forums/public/...')
#2 [internal function]: XenForo_Autoloader->autoload('MediaWiki_Depen...')
#3 [internal function]: spl_autoload_call('MediaWiki_Depen...')
#4 /wiki/public/extensions/XenForo/setup.php(93): class_exists('MediaWiki_Depen...')
#5 [internal function]: MWXF_Setup::init()
#6 /wiki/public/includes/Setup.php(551): call_user_func('MWXF_Setup::ini...')
#7 /wiki/public/includes/WebStart.php(157): require_once('/forums/public/...')
#8 /wiki/public/index.php(55): require('/forums/public/...')
#9 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(22) "http://wiki.domian.tld/"
  ["_GET"] => array(1) {
    ["title"] => string(0) ""
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {
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