s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites 2.15.6

No permission to download

I'ld recommend adding this to the addon.json file:

"require": {
    "php": [
        "PHP 5.5.0+"

This way XenForo 2 will not let you install the add-on if the minimum php version is too low.

Also in XenForo 1.x version of this add-on you could exclude sites to be embedded, any chance that feature could come to the XenForo 2.x version?
That's a good idea. I can't find anything about the "require" object in the docs, is there a description of it somewhere?
Not what I can see, this post has some doco; https://xenforo.com/community/threa...ent-updates-from-xf2demo.139565/#post-1205088

    "legacy_addon_id": "XenGallery",
    "title": "XenForo Media Gallery",
    "description": "The XenForo Media Gallery is an add-on that allows you and your users to create galleries of images and videos in your forum, organized into admin-defined categories or user-created albums.",
    "version_string": "2.0.0 Alpha",
    "version_id": 902000010,
    "dev": "XenForo Ltd.",
    "dev_url": "https://xenforo.com/",
    "faq_url": "https://xenforo.com/help/media-gallery/",
    "support_url": "https://xenforo.com/community/forums/media-gallery-support.87/",
    "extra_urls": {},
    "require": {
        "XF": [2000010, "XenForo 2.0.0+"],
        "php": ["5.4.0", "PHP 5.4.0+"]
    "icon": "icon.png"
  • The require array is a standard way of blocking an add-on install or upgrade if the environment doesn't support the required dependencies. In this particular JSON file, we block install and upgrade if the current XF version ID is below 2000010 and we block if the current PHP version is below 5.4.0. It's also possible to require other add-ons to be installed first, and also block install if certain PHP extensions are missing or not enabled.

XF2 doesn't provide an API to filter which sites are installed. However, you can get more or less the same result by disabling a site; It won't be reinstalled on the next update. https://xenforo.com/community/threads/how-to-filter-media-sites-in-an-add-on.135316/
Ah cheers.
Not sure if this is just me, but could someone confirm the soundcloud works ok please, Keep trying to insert a soundcloud URL


And it just sits there, youtube etc are all instant loading.
I had a previous version of s9e installed on XF 1.5. After upgrade to XF2, this was marked as a legacy add on so I uninstalled it using the option there.

Subsequently I have uploaded this version onto the site but it isn't being detected in the ACP>addons. I can see the files in the folder "src/addons/s9e/MediaSites/' of my XF install so know that isn't the problem.

Has anyone any suggestions? Perhaps something still in the dB for the previous version?
@hqarrse There's no _output folder in the released version; If you're running XenForo in development mode, it's possible the way to upgrade from a version to another is slightly different. I'm not entirely familiar with XF2 myself.

@RobParker It replaces some of them. They're generally backward compatible except for Tumblr which need to be reposted.
I was having the same issues as others in this thread, where the add-on would not show up in the "installable" area, I checked the Legacy add-ons section, removed the one listed there and it popped up right away, installed perfectly fine and is working without issue.

Thanks for bringing this to 2.0 @JoshyPHP, it's much appreciated!
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