Responsive Social Sharing Buttons

Responsive Social Sharing Buttons 1.5.7

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Great add-on you have here. Do you have a way for the share to pick up the image that goes with the thread also - instead of the graphic image for your site?
@SimonV I know you are busy, but the current twitter link seems to not work with all twitter clients.

The link is: XXXXXXX

Many mobile twitter cients attempt to grab that home as a user and it doesn't work

Changing to: XXXXX

seeems to work and fix this issue. Im not sure if that causes other problems, but thought I'd mention it


The latest version uses the format:

The latest un-released version uses an even more improved version of:

  • Like
Reactions: the

The latest version uses the format:

The latest un-released version uses an even more improved version of:


Thank you! I updated and see it just preps a blank status in a lot of apps. I'll be anxiously waiting for the new one!
I know you are busy. If it were an easy "replace that line with this one" , I'd be more than happy to have the code to paste and test out now.

Either way, it's a great mod and really appreciate your time.
I updated and see it just preps a blank status in a lot of apps

Can you elaborate on this please, what apps are you referring to. Dedicated twitter/sharing apps will pull the url and title from the page and not use anything from this addon.
SimonV updated Responsive Social Sharing Buttons with a new update entry:

Responsive Social Sharing Buttons 1.5.2

v1.5.2 update contains the following:
  • Improvements to how share urls are retrieved and processed
  • Improvements to Template Replacement conditionals
  • Updated Twitter sharing URL format (if you have a Twitter Username set in the admin options you will need to remove the @ symbol from that setting)
  • Updated faq with information about Facebook OG:meta data
Important: If you have manually added the JavaScript file...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Can you elaborate on this please, what apps are you referring to. Dedicated twitter/sharing apps will pull the url and title from the page and not use anything from this addon.

Sorry, in android with various twitter apps. Tested on a stock up to date Nexus 6.

When clicking the twitter button on your latest version:

1>desktop chrome works as intended. Opens status window fills out as [TITLE by @TwitterHandle LINK]
2>android chrome is off a little. Opens status window fills out as [1sharerrssbtitle1 by @TwitterHandle LINK]
3>Stock twitter app,Fenix, and Tweetcaster just opens a status window with it blank
ugghhh, didn't see your 1.5.2
Was testing on 1.5.1

Let me update and I'll get back to you. Just leaving right now.
Is it me or is there all of a sudden a footerlink implemented? Pretty sure it wasn't there before right?
Sorry, in android with various twitter apps. Tested on a stock up to date Nexus 6.

When clicking the twitter button on your latest version:

1>desktop chrome works as intended. Opens status window fills out as [TITLE by @TwitterHandle LINK]
2>android chrome is off a little. Opens status window fills out as [1sharerrssbtitle1 by @TwitterHandle LINK]
3>Stock twitter app,Fenix, and Tweetcaster just opens a status window with it blank

Seems fine in iOS in Chrome, the iOS stock app pulls its own info from the page as would most apps I would presume. This addon just adds a standard html href link to a button so I can't see how it effects other apps.

One thing I noticed when working with the twitter share is that I had to strip the vertical line character from the title | as Twitter doesn't like it and would stall because of it.

What happens when you disable this add on and use those apps?

Also for the chrome issue, if you have time do you think you could test using the Lite version to see if you get the same behavior? You would have to uninstall and remove this versions files and then install the Lite:
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Hello again,

I have my twitter account linked to Facebook and see below on the first image is what I get. The second was before the upgrade which is fine – What am I doing wrong to make it appear on FB as the second image below. If you look at the first post from twitter it is not clickable and the second is . I even checked twitter - not clikable

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