Responsive Social Sharing Buttons

Responsive Social Sharing Buttons 1.5.7

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Hello again,

I have my twitter account linked to Facebook and see below on the first image is what I get. The second was before the upgrade which is fine – What am I doing wrong to make it appear on FB as the second image below. If you look at the first post from twitter it is not clickable and the second is . I even checked twitter - not clikable

View attachment 105084

It maybe that your exceeding the 140 character limit of twitter posts as your forum name is very large combined with a long post title. This resource might not be good for your site at this stage. Url shortening might be a solution in a future update.
I discovered today that the JS applied to page_container_js_body by this addon breaks chartbeat when its JS is in there too

here's the chartbeat code in case it helps

<script type="text/javascript">
var _sf_async_config={uid:MYUID,domain:"",useCanonical:true};
  function loadChartbeat() {
    window._sf_endpt=(new Date()).getTime();
    var e = document.createElement('script');
    e.setAttribute('language', 'javascript');
    e.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
    e.setAttribute('src', '//');
  var oldonload = window.onload;
  window.onload = (typeof window.onload != 'function') ?
     loadChartbeat : function() { oldonload(); loadChartbeat(); };


moving it to PAGE_CONTAINER fixes the problem
I discovered today that the JS applied to page_container_js_body by this addon breaks chartbeat when its JS is in there too

here's the chartbeat code in case it helps

<script type="text/javascript">
var _sf_async_config={uid:MYUID,domain:"",useCanonical:true};
  function loadChartbeat() {
    window._sf_endpt=(new Date()).getTime();
    var e = document.createElement('script');
    e.setAttribute('language', 'javascript');
    e.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
    e.setAttribute('src', '//');
  var oldonload = window.onload;
  window.onload = (typeof window.onload != 'function') ?
     loadChartbeat : function() { oldonload(); loadChartbeat(); };


moving it to PAGE_CONTAINER fixes the problem

So you had previously manually added this js to the "page_container_js_body" template?

Also looking at your source code on a thread on your site the js is included twice. Are you using a sidebar addon such as [bd] Widget Framework? There looks to be an issue with the js inclusion if adding sidebars to none default areas which I have fixed for the next release.
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So you had previously manually added this js to the "page_container_js_body" template?

yeah it's a manual edit.

Also looking at your source code on a thread on your site the js is included twice. Are you using a sidebar addon such as [bd] Widget Framework? There looks to be an issue with the js inclusion if adding sidebars to none default areas which I have fixed for the next release.
yep widget framework.

I'm installing the updated version right now...
For twitter button, new addon version removed the thread title when sharing, I have to add the title manually. And there are no images attached when sharing with twitter.
Can you consider these issues ?

For twitter button, new addon version removed the thread title when sharing, I have to add the title manually. And there are no images attached when sharing with twitter.
Can you consider these issues ?


The thread title should be present, can you send me a URL to look at so I can see if there is something wrong?
SimonV updated Responsive Social Sharing Buttons with a new update entry:

Responsive Social Sharing Buttons 1.5.4

v1.5.4 update contains the following:
  • Fixed an issue where js would be included twice when using a sidebar addons in threads and pages.
  • Updated Facebook svg icon
  • Added Hacker News share button
  • Added VK share button
  • Added missing CSS for tiny button size svg icon colors for Delicious & Stumbleupon
  • Fixed jQuery variable reference error
To Update:

Re-upload all the files from the upload folder and then upgrade the addon with the new xml file from the...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Ok, I just installed this and I am having an issue.

I use twitter quite often to promote threads, and if I am on a thread that has more than one page, I get a blank page when hitting my twitter button from any page other than page 1 of the thread.

Using Firefox if that matters
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Ok, I just installed this and I am having an issue.

I use twitter quite often to promote threads, and if I am on a thread that has more than one page, I get a blank page when hitting my twitter button from any page other than page 1 of the thread.

Using Firefox if that matters

Confirmed bug, the straight line character | is the cause. Will fix for the next release as working on a better way to handle title text.

Would also like to see this integrated into the gallery

At the moment I dont own XF Media Gallery so I cant include compatibility but will look into it for the future.
SimonV updated Responsive Social Sharing Buttons with a new update entry:

Responsive Social Sharing Buttons 1.5.5

v1.5.5 update contains the following:
  • Improvements to how share urls are retrieved and processed
  • Improvements to how share titles are retrieved and processed
  • Improvements to URL encoding for button links
  • Removed encoding from phrase “rrssb_email_subject” (if you have edited this phrase with a custom encoded phrase you must remove the encoding else the phrase will not be recognised)
To Update:

Re-upload all the files from the upload folder and then...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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May I leave a suggestion here?

This would be IT ! :)

Whatsapp sharing a done via the app correct? there is no URL sharing for it and so it would also only work on mobile devices and for desktop it would either not work or would error when clicked depending on the browser.

I may look at inclusion as the share syntax is straight forward, it just needs to be hidden ideally for desktop dont you think?
Whatsapp sharing a done via the app correct? there is no URL sharing for it and so it would also only work on mobile devices and for desktop it would either not work or would error when clicked depending on the browser.

I may look at inclusion as the share syntax is straight forward, it just needs to be hidden ideally for desktop dont you think?

Thats exactly how works this addon.. When used on mobiles, they show the button (and on desktop, no) and then, when asked to share, it opens wahtsapp contact list and when shared it sends the Title + URL.

I know that its far from being the objective of this addon but there could be an "plus" for a paid one for example, that integrates with for example and use this url to share when it sent by twitter, email, or any other "text based" device.
Having a hidden button would mess things up with the responsiveness of the other buttons as the JavaScript would still see the button and calculate things accordingly.

Im going to say no to including whatsapp at this stage as from the testing I did its going to involve more work than just adding a normal button.
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