Random Thoughts...

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Thanks for the offer but i don't plan on using it the OUYA is a terrible machine (can't slate it enough) it'll be thrown in with the rest of the garbage soon (shed) :p Thanks for the offer though but probably best giving it to someone that will make use of it. :)

Yeah i played it at E3 and I was severely disappointed. I cancelled my pre-order. The games are great, the controller itself is awful. My short review of it? Some cheaply made knock-off! The buttons stick, there is noticeable lag and it just didn't feel as great as I thought it would. Controllers are a big big big deal for gamers and they clearly didn't think about that. Luckily I got free beer for my agony lol.

Gamestick and a Mojo look promising FYI, not sure if you want to drop more money!
I have no open tickets at work; I'm about to go crazy not knowing what to do and that the end of this project may be in sight (I can hope right?). Today is a good day.
I seem to be stuck at a stand still. Can't get Adsense working, can't get Facebook App working, can't select all members privacy options with a mysql query, can't figure out which anti-spam mod I should buy and still can't use the Xenforo 1.2 to Xenforo 1.2 importer. Guess I'll go take my lil bro to watch "We're The Millers"
Random Thoughts....

  • Fixed database corruption
  • Fixed database issue
  • backed up your whole site
  • ported over site from vBulletin to XenForo
  • manually ported over X content 1 by 1, which importer did not include
  • resolved server settings
  • installed add-ons
  • installed style
  • fixed add-on conflict
  • fixed style conflict (which you made)
  • added ad code for you
  • fixed your ad code (which you changed)
  • answered 30+ support questions (teaching you how to use xenforo)
  • upgraded your add-ons
  • upgraded your copy of XenForo
  • upgraded your add-ons
  • acted as "mediator" to resolve "persona" conflict between your partnership.. ie... internal drama (totally not my job, but OK)
  • removed old add-ons (for xenforo 1.2)
  • upgraded you to xenforo 1.2
  • installed new xenforo 1.2 add-ons

Cost: 1 pizza

My thoughts.... You're welcome and you should be thankful.
Fighting the urge to buy another add on for my site...
Thought buying a cheap one earlier would sort my craving but it appears not...
It's only a matter of time before I cave in... *sighs*

Is there any known treatment for add-on cravings?
Random thought....

If you show no active interest in your own site... Me updating it and tweaking it for you... Isn't going to bring it back to life. Neither is anyone else tweaking or updating for you going to do so. You must be active, informative, and very talkative.
So I was doing the Google troubleshooter and learned that the main reason ads aren't showing is because they want me to give login info to a bot to determine the content of my site. (n)
troll spray.webp
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