QuoteME !

QuoteME ! 2.1.1

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Are you planning on removing the dependency on TMS (for users of XF 1.2)?
It's already done in the last version. Compatible both with XF 1.1 & 1.2.

I just installed on 1.2.0, everything works, I really like it, very useful to fast quote parts of threads, the only problem I noticed is, using the xenforo editor (haven't tried any others), if the selection includes a quote, then that quote comes out as gibberish in the editor. It looks like xenforo's reply link strips out any quotes in the quoted message. Would be nice(r) if this did that to.
View attachment 52895
I think it's working as expected. You can try to play with this addon option to see if in your case it can be improved but I'm not sure about it.
with all due respect, broken quotes within a quote were not expected (and is an error), playing with it is not an option (or solution)... nonetheless thanks for trying...
I have an issue with your mod.
When #messageInfo has relative position, the QuoteMe box won't be shown in the correct position (or now shown as all).

I've fixed that by changing `(".messageContent").offset()` into `(".messageContent").position()`
Not sure why offset() was used.
with all due respect, broken quotes within a quote were not expected (and is an error), playing with it is not an option (or solution)... nonetheless thanks for trying...
The HTML output is cleaned : it gets the raw html, it uses the XenForo HTML => BbCode paser, then use the XenForo BbCode => HTML parser. After this the HTML is cleaned and will not give something weird inside the editor. And just to remind, the default mode is text and the default output is BbCode. The rest is just provided as a bonus.

I have an issue with your mod.
When #messageInfo has relative position, the QuoteMe box won't be shown in the correct position (or now shown as all).

I've fixed that by changing `(".messageContent").offset()` into `(".messageContent").position()`
Not sure why offset() was used.
This can be configured inside the options.
... After this the HTML is cleaned and will not give something weird inside the editor...

not trying to argue, I like how it works with plain text selections, but when a quote is quoted it comes out sort of weird, I just think it'd be cool to discard sub-quotes like XF's reply link does, or have an option to do so, to avoid the following

when a sub-quote is quoted

in MSIE 10, it comes out like this, with extraneous 'Click to expand...'

[quote="admin, post: 51, member: 1"]SignTorch said: ↑ somebody quote meClick to expand... I quoted you[/quote]

in chrome it comes out like this with nothing separating the quote and sub-quote
[quote="admin, post: 51, member: 1"]SignTorch said: ↑ somebody quote me I quoted you [/quote]
which comes out like this,


I'll shut up about it, I just wanted to clarify what I'm seeing

I would like to give it 5 stars, but not quite....
I just think it'd be cool to discard sub-quotes like XF's reply link does, or have an option to do so, to avoid the following.
The methods are not the same. The XenForo official methods get all the message from the database where its format is already clean (it uses BbCodes). This addon, once the html method has been actived, retrieves the html from the html page which is rendered by the browser (and then proceeds to a kind of reverse engineering to get a clean output). It can't be perfect and the problem you're describing with IE 10 is certainly due to a different way to render the page by IE10. The text "'Click to expand" could be strip out from the selected quote. If I need to update this script, I will try to think of doing this.
Hi, I'm using this plugin for a long time, and before upgrading to Xenforo 1.2 it's work perfectly. Thank you very much. Now it works only with redactor and do many strange things with simple editor. Please, watch screenvideo:

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1. In Redactor leave blank line
2. Then switch to simple editor, QuoteMe add html to the textarea
3. Disable redactor. QuoteMe add nothing to simple editor's textarea

(Have checked on Opera 12 and Chrome)
New line characters are not observed by quoted text. All the text, even if you mark more than one paragraph, gets inserted in a long single line into the editor.

Using TinyQuattro.
New line characters are not observed by quoted text. All the text, even if you mark more than one paragraph, gets inserted in a long single line into the editor.

Using TinyQuattro.
Which browser are you using? It's working for me with FF.
Sorry, how can I update add-on so I don't have to translate all phrases again?
If you have translated the phrases using the XenForo Phrasing system, the translated phrases will remain. To be sure, you can export the translated phrases by addon:
Admin=> Appearance => Languages => {Your Language} => Export => [Overlay Option:] "Export from add-on".
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