Not a bug Quick Insert '+' button does not work on Android phone (Chrome)


Well-known member
Affected version
XF 2.2
The new Quick Insert menu does not open on my Android-based phone. When clicking the QI '+' button, the button just disappears.

Browser: Samsung Internet Browser 11 (Chrome 75)
OS: Android 9

A couple of other XenForo users have flagged this issue in the Welcome to XF 2.2 HYS thread:
Is the Quick Insert button able to be disabled?

Clicking on it does nothing (android/chome)
I was wondering the same thing because the quick insert button doesn't work in mobile Chrome. A bug perhaps?
Idem, the button disappears and the keyboard does the same because the editor looses the focus.

Honor 10 - Android 9 - Chrome 83
Swiping right does seem to activate the QI menu, interesting. Another method that seems to (sometimes?) work is to:
  1. Type one or two random characters
  2. Erase those random characters
  3. Tap QI '+' button
I think it's worked one time for me on my phone, must've been a fluke. 🤣

On desktop it's an... interesting... UX design choice, on mobile it's something that's going to lead to user complaints & questions from our users to the point that it'll be easier to just disable it instead of dealing with it.
I only knew you could swipe it open from this post. I tried to click on a phone and it dismissed it. It is not intuitive.
right. i am not even sure if swiping is the designed behavior. now i think it is... i only have access to android devices so not sure how it behaves on ios browsers.

personally, i see a lot of value in the floating toolbar on desktops. while writing long posts, it let you access the major formatting components where your cursor is. on mobile, i am not so sure. though i guess floating toolbar made sense if xenforo editor had a (distraction free) fullscreen mode like CMS systems. that functionality does make sense considering we would have article threads in 2.2.
We fixed it! By removing it.

Quick insert is no more.

Pay your respects here:
We fixed it! By removing it.

Quick insert is no more.

Pay your respects here:

@Chris D

You guys should remove this post, or at least edit to note the change. Many of us are just now digging into this new stuff as we're getting closer to a stable release. I spent a good 20 minutes trying to figure out why it's not working :ROFLMAO:
Definitely agree. Don't advertise a HYS feature that no longer exists. Warnings about content changing doesn't apply to those who wish to ignore ;D
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