Questions regarding modern forum capabilities


New member
Greetings. I was hosting a fantasy roleplay community in the Guilded platform recently, only for some of their recent announcements essentially mean we'll have to move as most of us do not want to sign up for a Roblox account. I'm currently searching for alternative platforms, and after seeing that there weren't really any good alternatives from similar app types, I went looking at the old forum software I used to love back in the day.

There's a few features I'm curious about if they're available/purchasable for xenForo's software -
  • Sub-accounts/ability to post as characters
  • Documents
  • Media Galleries
  • Chat integration
  • Dice Roller
I'm hoping to find a decent option to migrate the community before our July 15th time limit, and XenForo is one of the three options that seemed most appealing for our style of play and expression.
Oh, that's wonderful. Found some third party widgets in the link you provided that look like they can work for the task I need - thank you very much for your help.

Looking so far like this is the right software for our community...
Looking so far like this is the right software for our community...

Robert Redford Nod GIF
Dice Roller

Xenforo doesnt take Pages seriously.

Be more specific about your needs that just Documents.

  • Chat integration
Xenforo doesnt take Pages seriously.

Be more specific about your needs that just Documents.

By documents, I mean a place where we can do things like post documentation for the setting of the world we've created. In Guilded, there was a documents tool we could use that effectively let us write up a document that others could comment on below via a comments section.

Admittedly, this one is a lower priority since it could technically be done via Forums, but having a separate tab on the site for things like setting details or character sheets would be a handy feature.
By documents, I mean a place where we can do things like post documentation for the setting of the world we've created. In Guilded, there was a documents tool we could use that effectively let us write up a document that others could comment on below via a comments section.

Admittedly, this one is a lower priority since it could technically be done via Forums, but having a separate tab on the site for things like setting details or character sheets would be a handy feature.
Could just have a forum setup as an article where documentation can be kept. There is also a list heading contents add on in the resources. Dont recall the name but it’s from AndyB I think.
Do you mean that the tab opens a page with just some forums on it?

If those forums are all in one category you can do this by ticking Create pages for categories (in the ACP Node & Forum List), then using the link for that category for the tab in the ACP Public Navigation

The current tab will be Forums unless you edit the category_view template putting this at the top

<xf:if is="{$category.node_id} == xx"><xf:page option="section">yy</xf:page></xf:if>

where xx is the category id and yy is the navigation id
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