questions about facebook, google, Twitter integration


Active member
greeting to all

i'm seen a lot of site using this future lately to allow registration and loge in .

is it something i do for once and just forget about and will continue to function for good ? or i have to frequently update some options.

what would happen to the registered members if i decided to not use these loge in functions anymore

are the same apply for all ( facebook, Twitter, google ) or each has it own settings ?
By default, XenForo only supports Facebook and this can be configured in Admin CP > Options > Facebook Integration.

Once it's working, there isn't much you need to do to maintain it.

If you decide to not use the feature any more, your users who have signed up only using their Facebook accounts will not be able to login unless they use the "Forgot Password" feature. This will issue them a password which they can use to login with.

The only settings required for Facebook are you need to register on the Facebook Developer's site for a Facebook Application ID code and a Facebook Application Secret code.

The other services require add-ons (that do exist in the Resource Manager). For each service you will need to do a similar thing as Facebook. Google and Twitter both have developer sites that allow you to sign up for the ID code and Secret code (sometimes called Consumer Key and Consumer Secret).
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