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After doing these changes I now have many duplicate settings in both themes, eeeek! Not duplicated identically across both my themes either which is weird. Opened a ticket at audentio.com, really could use some help with this.
After doing these changes I now have many duplicate settings in both themes, eeeek! Not duplicated identically across both my themes either which is weird. Opened a ticket at audentio.com, really could use some help with this.
I had this problem back here:

Try checking the "reset" checkboxes and see if that removes the duplicates. (Make sure your info is in the new field, not the old duplicated one)
Thanks. I ended up doing exactly that and had to copy/paste/check the information into the new one just as you mention. Took awhile but managed to fix both my Quark and AntiQuark that way. Annoying that occurred though.
I have a weird problem. It doesn't happen all the time and took a bit to cause the error reported by a member. Sometimes the bottom of the sidebar doesn't align properly with the bottom of the forum list and causes an overlap with the bottom breadcrumb.

I have a weird problem. It doesn't happen all the time and took a bit to cause the error reported by a member. Sometimes the bottom of the sidebar doesn't align properly with the bottom of the forum list and causes an overlap with the bottom breadcrumb.

View attachment 82015
We've noticed this too, it generally only happens once in a blue moon or if you really wig out the browser. There is likely something just a fraction off with our script, but it does work 99.9% of the time as far as Ive been able to test. Its something we will definitely look into.
Just upgraded to XF and Quark 1.4.0 and having a minor annoying issue. The logo is no longer centered. I checked uix_logo.css and it has this for centered logo

<xen:comment> /********* CENTERED LOGO **********/ </xen:comment>

<xen:if is="@uix_searchPosition == 1 && !(@uix_navStyle == 2 || (@uix_navStyle == 3 && @uix_pageStyle != 1) )">
        margin-right: {xen:calc '@uix_quickSearchPlaceholderSize + (2 * @uix_gutterWidthSmall)'}px;

That indicates search position MUST be set at 1? I've never set it as 1 (search in the logo block?).

Just FYI I have page style set as 1, navigation style as 1 and quicksearch position set as 2
Just upgraded to XF and Quark 1.4.0 and having a minor annoying issue. The logo is no longer centered. I checked uix_logo.css and it has this for centered logo

<xen:comment> /********* CENTERED LOGO **********/ </xen:comment>

<xen:if is="@uix_searchPosition == 1 && !(@uix_navStyle == 2 || (@uix_navStyle == 3 && @uix_pageStyle != 1) )">
        margin-right: {xen:calc '@uix_quickSearchPlaceholderSize + (2 * @uix_gutterWidthSmall)'}px;

That indicates search position MUST be set at 1? I've never set it as 1 (search in the logo block?).

Just FYI I have page style set as 1, navigation style as 1 and quicksearch position set as 2
Right so we change the logo being centered from being always true or false to being the size of the monitor at which it centers.

So for example, you might have it set to 1 right now. When instead, it should be set to something like 500px or something. or 100% if you want it on all the time.

We found this to be more efficient, as you might not always want your logo centered for desktop or even tablet.
There is no "1" or other option for logo. I'm not sure what you're referring to sorry.

edit: oh I see it now. It's set as @maxResponsiveWideWidth
Hi Mike :)
Completely off the above topic here - Interested in purchasing Quark - however please could you advise - do you have to purchase the framework as well (i.e. on top of this), or if i picked this up would it work out of the box with no additions?
Hi Mike :)
Completely off the above topic here - Interested in purchasing Quark - however please could you advise - do you have to purchase the framework as well (i.e. on top of this), or if i picked this up would it work out of the box with no additions?
Hi Paul! Thanks for your interest. No you do not have to purchase the framework its built inside the theme :)
Hi Paul! Thanks for your interest. No you do not have to purchase the framework its built inside the theme :)

thats great Mike - Many thanks.

Another (And hopefully final) question! - Whats (briefly) the key differences between Quark, UI.x and Ui.X dark? they all seem similar to me, so looking to work out which would be better :)

I currently have a dark theme, and want to keep the "shades" of the site the same, however will also need a corresponding light theme to go with it to appease those that work in an office and want it to look as "standard" as possible :D

thats great Mike - Many thanks.

Another (And hopefully final) question! - Whats (briefly) the key differences between Quark, UI.x and Ui.X dark? they all seem similar to me, so looking to work out which would be better :)

I currently have a dark theme, and want to keep the "shades" of the site the same, however will also need a corresponding light theme to go with it to appease those that work in an office and want it to look as "standard" as possible :D


Well, they are completely different designs for starters. UI.X and UI.X Dark are just simply light/dark pairs. Quark/Antiquark are the same. But the difference is simply in the design. Quark has a more gamer feel to it whereas UI.X is intentionally left as a blank canvas. Do to it what you please mentality, and it'll handle it all beautifully.

With either choice though Im sure you'll be able to do whatever you want and more. No other themes are as customizable out of the box as our products.
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