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Hello Audentio! I love your template, and was wondering if there was a list of add-ons that are incompatible or that will cause conflicts? If not, I understand. Thank you very much. :D

We've built UI.X to follow the same coding conventions used by Xenforo -- meaning Quark and other Audentio products are largely compatible with most major plugins. While there is no comprehensive list, you'll find that most of the more popular plugins such as the Widget Framework and Xen Media Gallery are fully supported.

[EDIT] Plus our products are actively updated and only get better over time ;)
For some reason our slogan will not display in this style?


One other thing where do we move the social icon over a bit so the up arrow option does not cover them like this

You can disable the fixed to top button via the Style Properties under UI.X Footer by unchecking Show Jump To Top Fixed Icon.

I really don't think my members would like that very much as they think the jump to top feature is better than sliced bread. I need to move those social icons across to the left a bit more
I really don't think my members would like that very much as they think the jump to top feature is better than sliced bread. I need to move those social icons across to the left a bit more
I'm glad to hear that your members are liking the feature. Add this bit of css to the extra.css template:

ul.uix_socialMediaLinks {
    float: left;
    clear: both;

.footerLegal .pageContent {
    text-align: left;

ul.uix_socialMediaLinks {
   margin-top: @uix_gutterWidthSmall;

In the future please create a ticket for these kinds of fixes. Thanks.
I'm glad to hear that your members are liking the feature. Add this bit of css to the extra.css template:

ul.uix_socialMediaLinks {
    float: left;
    clear: both;

.footerLegal .pageContent {
    text-align: left;

ul.uix_socialMediaLinks {
   margin-top: @uix_gutterWidthSmall;

In the future please create a ticket for these kinds of fixes. Thanks.

That did not seem to work for me. I have made out a ticket with an admin account for you to have a look. I have two issue listed in the ticket.
Question for you in quark,

Side by side nodes are enabled but at the end of the category, only have one forum node, which is the way it should be due to the number of nodes in that category,

But would would like to move last post info in the the last node over the to left a bit, any way to achieve this in extra.css? the nodes that are side by side I dont want to touch, they fit fine.

I haven't upgraded to 1.3.2 UIX and quark version, I'm at 1.3.0 and not ready just yet to upgrade uix and quark again, lol,

So with the change to how the child themes work in respect to UI.X not being a requirement anymore for Quark/Anti-Quark, do I need to make any changes to my setup before updating?

Updated to the latest version and it looks fantastic. :)

I had a weird problem where fields I had customized in Style Properties had been duplicated for some reason, but hitting the reset checkbox next to those cleared the duplicates. :)
So with the change to how the child themes work in respect to UI.X not being a requirement anymore for Quark/Anti-Quark, do I need to make any changes to my setup before updating?

View attachment 78554

Right so there is just a minor change you need to make. Here is what I would do.

I would install Quark first as a root theme (NOT as a child of UI.X).

Then I would bring YakTribe Dark Theme as a child of Quark. Done with that part.

Next I would install Antiquark. Again, neither as a child of Quark OR UI.X. A root level install.

Finally, move YakTribe Light Theme as a child of Antiquark. Hide Quark/Antiquark.

Everything in theory should work just fine, like just a normal upgrade, no changes. If this works, Id backup all five of your current xml files as regular exports (not as independent since they werent installed as such). And then after some testing thats all fine you'd be fine deleting those 5 current themes and just leaving the 4. As you can see we essentially remove the child-themes for OUR products. You still need them so you can do easy upgrades.
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