XF 2.2 PWA on Chrome w/Android


Well-known member
I upgraded to 2.2 at 6am on Saturday (about 55 hrs ago). Everything has been completely stable, and no errors to report.

I completed the PWA screen and it turned green, right after installing it.

I'm able to see the + on Chrome for Windows 10, but my Android phone (Samsung Galaxy S20+) browser doesn't seem to detect or and offer a prompt.

I cleared caches, etc

Any ideas, or do I just need to wait longer?
If it hasn't shown after 55 hours then it's unlikely to.

I see it on my Android phone on your site - check at the bottom of the navigation on the side.
I cannot see mine either and it's been something like 5 days. I've cleared caches, tried multiple browsers on multiple devices and I see no install option. Can anyone check and see if they can see an install option?

I don't see it working here on mobile or on windows 10/chrome for octoflix. Is it possible the theme you have changed something in the PAGE_CONTAINER that isn't referencing the webmanifest.php in your root folder? Someone else may have a better answer, I'm just guessing.
Good going Apple
blah GIF
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