Price = Instant Put Off

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Dear XenForo,
I was a long term VB user and when I heard about a new board software from ex VB designers I was thinking " Yes maybe a decent board ". Now I didnt expect the software to be free but I never expected that I would have to pay out the same price for XF as I would for VB. XF is in the starting stages of its life and guess what the price should reflect this. There is still very little support,mods,users and the fact the software is still in its opening version [still in beta too] really put me off purchasing the software.

I am sure I am not the only user who walked into XF and pretty muched walked straight out after seeing a price that matchs VB. Would it have not been a smarter idea to start the software at a lower price say $60 - 70 and increase the price over time as a support system and development level similar to VB was created. This would have also helped to increase the amount of users who would pick your software over VB.

Now dont get me wrong so far the software seems incredable but the question on my mind as I am sure alot of others is "What garante do I have that this will continue". The chances of VB going under is about 1% the chances for a site about 7 months old is about 80%. Because of this simple fact placing a large amount of cash for pretty similar software [lets not ballshit most community software is similar]. More so when currently the amount of mods and support is lesser than that of free forum software SMF.

Well thats all I wanted to say. I hope you wont see this as an attack or just a rage from a nobody. I wanted to simply explain my doubts that I bet alot of other possible clients will have also. Also I think that an "Affordable Vbulleten Alternative" would have made more sence than an "Similar Priced Software Created From Vbulletens Developers". Well think it over as I can say this now. One of the current problems with vbulleten is they seem to care more about money than they do quality and the fact you want the same price as such an early stage of your sites development does not give great confidence that XF will not follow they way of VB.

ps to simply put it

- Vbulleten - Huge Developer Community , Mods , Skins , Features , Updates , Long Term Company = Around $140

- XenoForo - New to communtiy software - Low Developer Community , Software lacks range as large as Vbulleten, Has some amazing features , Skin + Mod + Updates still very lacking. = Around $140

You do the maths and tell me if you WAS not a user of VB or XF and was about to pick one what would you truly rather pay $140 for if you was a complete amature with community software as most clients are.
It is called a perspective client reaction.
You ever thought that maybe a company does not grow or change to what is needed if no one ever comments on it?
Idiots who just post "LOVE IT" "Its Great" "BEtter than Vb" what good are you? Do you actually make a change to the site or even give imput? No. Im explaing to the owners how $140 is a possible turn off to bring in old VB clients at such an early stage.

The owners got plenty of feedback in the early days as to the price, before we even saw the back end of it. IMO, $140 is fair for what they have put in it and how well it works.
It is called a perspective client reaction.
You ever thought that maybe a company does not grow or change to what is needed if no one ever comments on it?
Idiots who just post "LOVE IT" "Its Great" "BEtter than Vb" what good are you? Do you actually make a change to the site or even give imput? No. Im explaing to the owners how $140 is a possible turn off to bring in old VB clients at such an early stage.


1. When you become a client then you are welcome to give "the client perspective" :)
2. you sure do not need to worry about the growth of the company :D LMAO some folks will be pissed :D
3. Why do you call us idiots ? that's really uncalled for
4. I do not speak for the owners but I'm sure as hell they do not want to work for chips :D
I never expected that I would have to pay out the same price for XF as I would for VB

vBulletin is $195 cheapest, and that's just the forum, without the blog/pt and without the cms, which they list on their site as a $495 value, and sells for $285 or something.

XenForo is $140, and was on sale for $100.

If you think $140 valued package selling for $140 equals $495 valued package selling for $285, then please give me a $10 tip? That's $22 to my paypal please.

Sorry that 55% cheaper than vBulletin is a put off for you.

Or if you were just going for the forum only vBulletin license, that xenforo is 55 dollar cheaper than vBulletin.

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The only thing MyBB has going for it is that it's a source code rip off from vBulletin, rewritten after getting a redface-bust for copyright infringement and people seem to like to not pay for vBulletin.

Sorry, I can't support that model. I rather pay for the retail version of iPhone than the Chinese rip off yPhone.
The only thing MyBB has going for it is that it's a source code rip off from vBulletin, rewritten after getting a redface-bust for copyright infringement and people seem to like to not pay for vBulletin.

I honestly don't know if that's the case ... the only question I have now is ... why IB didn't sue them if that's the case ? !!
I honestly don't know if that's the case ... the only question I have now is ... why IB didn't sue them if that's the case ? !!
Happened during the 3.0 days - unless I completely mis-remember the forum software name; but by the look of the history of MyBB ..
If all one cares about is the cost of a script you need to go open source MyBB, phpBB or any of the others out there.

Why come here and complain about price when you can get free ??
I'll tell you why I bought it and paid the price they were asking..

One was to support Kier and Mike. I don't know them personally but I know they are upstanding guys with a dream.

Two was the simple fact that I know what they are able to produce. Have you ever run vB 3.8? Is it popular? Forum Leader? Know who got them there?

Based of that, I easily bought a license. There isn't a doubt in my mind that xF will be the industry leader in a few short years followed by IPB, leaving vB to attempt to hold on to their customers.

You keep referring to xF as a new company and although technically they are, but the developers are not. They built what is the industry leader now.. don't you think they can and will do it again?

If you think the price is a bit steep, wait until the product has more features, wait for the style and mod community to grow and then come back and buy.

Good luck with your decision, everyone has to do what is best for them.. I looked at my options and decided to go with Kier, Mike and Ashley because I believe in them.

Let's compare Apples to Apples here for a minute.....

vBulletin 4.0 Forum License:
  • Indefinite software license
  • Free updates for this version
  • Discounts for next version upgrades
  • Free forum support
$195 (175 if you upgrade an existing license)
Support by email & online support ticket system, for one year. Cost is $80.00
Grand Total: $275

XenForo 1.0 BETA 4 Forum License
  • Includes 12 months of ticket support and upgrades (once out of BETA)
  • Forum Support
  • Indefinite software license
Support: Included with Price
Grand Total: $140

Difference of: $135 (51%)

Now your argument that it should be lower because there isn't as much of a Mod community, skins, etc., like vBulletin. Let's also compare the time-line.

vBulletin 1.0: April 2000 (10 years, 8 months ago)
XenForo 1.0 BETA: October 2010 (2 months ago)

Not too big of a surprise of why there isn't many Mods or Skins out.

Since XenForo is still in BETA, many developers will not release any serious products because the software is constantly changing. However, there are some great releases right now that work and are being adapted to the changes of the software.
I came from vBulletin 3.8.4, upgrade to vB4.0.5 (started with 4 and worked up to 4.0.5), then downgraded down to vB 3.8.5 and now in the processes of Migrating over to XenForo 1.0 BETA 4 (have the license, just waiting for the stable release).
I haven't been on this site as long as some of the others, but I've been on long enough to play with the site, to experience the site/software and to see that this software WILL take off once it becomes a Stable version. Already it's doing well for just a BETA version and with the hard work of the Kier and Mike, this software will be a new benchmark for webforums.
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