Pls create chat software

So they are compatible with the forum software, but are they as good? I want to start a chat group and not necessarily a forum. I like all of the intelligence that is evident in Xenforo forum software and have not found this with other chat software.

Need I say more?!
If you want a chat group, then a forum script is not really what you are looking for. Look for a chat script that you can run standalone on a web page. Several good chat scripts have been mentioned (one of which is XenForo specific and is more of a shout box than chat script that has true rooms, etc).
To offer a chat system, XF also needs to offer server/hosting solutions since chats are resource hungry, especially when there are many people online at the same time. That being said, it wouldn't happen, and there is a greater chance to have a CMS system than official chat system.
I agree! I would like to have a chat in the core!
Please, no.... chat is not indexed and it distract users to post.
To offer a chat system, XF also needs to offer server/hosting solutions since chats are resource hungry, especially when there are many people online at the same time. That being said, it wouldn't happen, and there is a greater chance to have a CMS system than official chat system.
XenForo is a CMS indeed.
If you want to start a big chat service, then the answer is IRC with a web front end of some kind. Trying to do a web-centric chat just doesn't work as HTTP was never designed for realtime content delivery.
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