Performance compared to vBulletin?


My biggest problem with vBulletin (3.8) is its performance. When you have a lot of posts, especially topics with thousands of replies, MySQL queries can take over a minute and crash the server. Recently I've had to actively seek out longer topics (2k+ replies) and stop them before they cause downtime.

What performance improvements will XenForo have over vBulletin? Is it better optimised for larger forums or are huge topics an inherent problem?


i think it is the amount of content of the posts which makes the loading of a particular page slow. It has nothing to do with number of posts in a thread! Thread quoted above has all he posts with only two three words in them.... it would be interesting to see how XF behaves when there a lot of bulky posts in a thread.

Just created this thread to test!

The problems I've been seeing have been queries that vBulletin does when, say, it's counting the number of posts in a topic. For example:

FROM post AS post​
WHERE threadid = 5348 AND visible = 1​
AND dateline <= 1228073906;​

These kind of queries can take over a minute, at which point my host has been killing them, which also briefly takes the server down with it.

Once I had figured this out, I got rid of any topic above 2,000 posts in length. This solved the issue immediately. However, keeping track of long topics is a pain!
The problems I've been seeing have been queries that vBulletin does when, say, it's counting the number of posts in a topic.

For vBulletin 3 try adding this additional index. I think it really helped on our forum.

ALTER TABLE post ADD KEY `th_search` (`threadid`, `visible`, `dateline`);
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