Original XF Images


Well-known member
Is there a graphics dev kit for the original XF images anywhere by chance?

I'm *hoping* they are vector based because I wanted to make a set of SVG versions.
You can embed a pixelated image inside an SVG, but it's not going to scale any better than it did as a PNG. Would need to redraw them as vectors to get the scaling/small size benefit.

Hmmm ... okay, so we just need to bend the arms of a few smiley creators to see if they'll make some SVG ones for XF then? ;)

Would be great if some SVG ones could be included in the XF package. (y)
As far as I know. no. I've made progress in replicating the xf images myself in a vectored format so that they can be scaled without quality loss and direct alterations can be made. Still a w.i.p though.

Ah, I hadn't read this post - would be good if the original ones could be vectored - GO SHELLEY!! :D
I ended up doing some CSS trickery to allow the smiles to overflow the vertical bounds of the line it's on without pushing the line itself down... Since the little antennas on my alien smiles don't really matter, and at the same time I can make them a little bigger without making the line spacing look dumb...


And zoomed...

I ended up doing some CSS trickery to allow the smiles to overflow the vertical bounds of the line it's on without pushing the line itself down... Since the little antennas on my alien smiles don't really matter, and at the same time I can make them a little bigger without making the line spacing look dumb...


And zoomed...

*looks at the quality and the 1px border issues you get in images when scaled up having adverse affects and is amazed at the quality in the screenshot*
*looks at the quality and the 1px border issues you get in images when scaled up having adverse affects and is amazed at the quality in the screenshot*
Yep... right now it was mostly a quick proof of concept. I do need to get in and do some sub-pixel adjustments... but that's easy enough. Just didn't feel like doing it for all 48 icons since I'm going to reduce that sprite file down to just ones I'm using first.

Got it. Now my logo is razor sharp. We used a PNG at 11KB before and now the SVG is 5KB and can scale around the world if need be.
Thanks for getting this going, Shawn.

What's next? What else can replace in XF with SVG?
Well, if you want to get crazy, you could do the editor sprite...

I'll probably not bother with that one myself, but I'll most likely redo the XF UI sprite...

Looking great Shawn! (y) I never thought I'd get excited about a new image file format o_O

Here's some good info for anyone looking to read up a bit more about them and use Illustrator to create them.

I don't know if the following line from that link might have an impact on the opacity issues you seemed to be having earlier in the thread?

Adobe Help Site said:
If you want objects on different layers to appear transparent, adjust the opacity of each object instead of each layer. If you alter opacity at the layer level, the resulting SVG file will not display transparency as it appears in Illustrator.
I changed Illustrator so a "nudge" is 0.1 px, so I fixed the sub-pixel alignment issues. I also dropped the icons I wasn't using... so I ended up with a SVG sprite with 11 icons weighing in at 16KB. Not too bad considering how good it looks on high rez screens/cell phones.


And zoomed... :)

Any new development on this front, Shawn?
Any new development on this front, Shawn?
Nope... I'm pretty happy with the smiles. The SVG was really a little side project because I was bored. At some point I'll replace the normal XF sprite for icons with an SVG replacement.

I've been working on something interesting though. :) An importer that can be done in less than 15 minutes (for my size board). It's still a work in progress (I still need to do attachments, warning action trigger, paid subscriptions and post edit history).

Also retaining *everything* while I'm at it... moderator log, deletion logs, user notes, user change log, Facebook Connect links, etc.

Did I mention under 15 minutes for a 17.8M post board with 2.8M threads and 616k users? :)

### Digital Point A.R.F.I. vB4 -> XF Importer ###
 1 - Posts
 2 - Users
 3 - Threads
 4 - Private Messages
 5 - Avatars
 6 - Attachments
 7 - Forums
 8 - Miscellaneous
 9 - Everything
 Make Selection [1-5]: 9
exporting posts...
          [forking process for posts]
          posts IPs (17,842,462 records in 196.35s)...
          likes (378,927 records in 2.79s)...
Total time for posts: 199.14s
exporting users...
          [forking process for users & user authenticate]
          user external auth (14,904 records in 1.97s)...
          user follow (199,885 records in 0.48s)...
          user ignored (10,482 records in 0.23s)...
          user notes (29,664 records in 2.73s)...
          user options (616,658 records in 4.34s)...
          user profile (616,658 records in 56.57s)...
          user privacy (616,658 records in 5.34s)...
          user warnings (391,040 records in 45.41s)...
          user bans (23,434 records in 2.64s)...
          user field (125,037 records in 12.47s)...
          user registration IPs (616,659 records in 7.03s)...
          user change log (418,565 records in 8.03s)...
          user change log IPs (296,520 records in 3.23s)...
          profile posts (52,342 records in 1.03s)...
          profile post IPs (52,342 records in 1.45s)...
Total time for users: 152.95s
*** Don't forget to rebuild user cache ***
exporting threads...
          [forking process for threads]
          watched threads (10,571,720 records in 24.49s)...
          polls (237,947 records in 40.06s)...
Total time for threads: 40.06s
*** Don't forget to rebuild poll cache ***
exporting private messages...
          [forking process for conversation master]
          conversation message (565,285 records in 342.88s)...
          conversation recipient (842,160 records in 13.18s)...
          conversation user (842,161 records in 14.39s)...
          conversation IPs (555,550 records in 8.41s)...
Total time for private messages: 378.97s
exporting forums...
          nodes (147 records in 0.17s)...
          forums (140 records in 0.12s)...
Total time for forums: 0.29s
exporting micellaneous stuff...
          deletion log (937,774 records in 10.31s)...
          moderator log (846,366 records in 39.17s)...
Total time for micellaneous stuff: 49.47s
performing avatar diff...
Total time for avatars: 12.17s
          [waiting on process for users & user authenticate] DONE.
          [waiting on process for conversation master] DONE.
          [waiting on process for threads] DONE.
          [waiting on process for posts] DONE.
    Grand Total For Everything: 14 minutes, 30 seconds (59,836,092 records)
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