XF 2.1 One-click upgrade prompts for unknown credentials


When I attempt to perform a one-click upgrade from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2, my browser requests credentials for my domain:

I have no idea what credentials I should provide, and can't find any documentation or other users mentioning seeing this. I've tried everything logical to no avail. Not sure what to do next; I can install manually but would like to know how to do one-click in case someone else needs to update.
If you go to the manual install page - the traditional install / upgrade URL - it likely pops up with the same request for credentials.

The one click upgrade redirects you into that system to complete the upgrade process.
Interesting. When I was upgrading to 2.1.2 from 2.1.1) , the one-click upgrade button popped up a message saying "This is in beta. Use manual upgrade." or something similar.

Is it actually live now then?
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