Nodes As Tabs

Nodes As Tabs 1.5.1

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What if we don't want certain forums to show in the jump menu?

Exclusions can be done with permissions. When editing the node tab enable this:

[*] Check Child Permissions

Now forums which the user does not have access to view will not be included.

Otherwise there isn't an arbitrary exclusion for the root tab. The root tab is treated as a parent of all so it includes all nodes.

You can do this without a root tab. Just use a regular node as a tab (without setting it as the root). Then you can directly manage which categories are included in the tab by putting those categories underneath that node tab in your node tree structure.

Also is there a way for it to work on the default "forums" tab like DP?

He is using a nonstandard behavior where the selected Forums tab can spawn a popup. Normally selected tabs do not spawn popups. This addon does not add this nonstandard behavior. But you can create a new tab (separate from Forums) which spawns the popup.

I will look into adding that option, but this isn't likely to be a standard on/off feature in the addon. It would be a separate hack. But I will look into it.
This root-node is very nice indeed! I made something like this, but this is way better! Great.

One style-thing I hope you can help me with. Is it possible to change the behaviour of this root-button to Always open the popupmenu? Whatever part of the button you hover over? I would also like this button to have a different color and style.

Error after installing update:
Error Info
ErrorException: Fatal Error: syntax error, unexpected $end - library/NodesAsTabs/API.php:90
Generated By: darnoldy, Yesterday at 10:15 PM
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError('NodesAsTabs_API')
#1 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(96) ""
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {
This root-node is very nice indeed! I made something like this, but this is way better! Great.

One style-thing I hope you can help me with. Is it possible to change the behaviour of this root-button to Always open the popupmenu? Whatever part of the button you hover over? I would also like this button to have a different color and style.


To customize that particular button you will need to see the page source and find that button...find the class names associated with that will be something like nodetab8.
<li class="navTab nodetab8 Popup PopupControl PopupContainerControl PopupClosed">

You would just need to add some css into EXTRA.css targeting .nodeTab8

This will make the area of all tabs trigger their menu


Template: navigation

Modification Key: addNoPopupGadget

Description: Makes the whole navtab a trigger for the dropdown

Search Type: Regular expression
\1\2 NoPopupGadget" rel="Menu\3
To customize that particular button you will need to see the page source and find that button...find the class names associated with that will be something like nodetab8.
<li class="navTab nodetab8 Popup PopupControl PopupContainerControl PopupClosed">

You would just need to add some css into EXTRA.css targeting .nodeTab8

This will make the area of all tabs trigger their menu


Template: navigation

Modification Key: addNoPopupGadget

Description: Makes the whole navtab a trigger for the dropdown

Search Type: Regular expression
\1\2 NoPopupGadget" rel="Menu\3

Wow, this all works prefectly!

One last thing: I would like to change the tekst of the menubutton from "Menubutton" to something like "Menu<b>Button</b>". With html. Is there a way to do that?
This root-node is very nice indeed! I made something like this, but this is way better! Great.

One style-thing I hope you can help me with. Is it possible to change the behaviour of this root-button to Always open the popupmenu? Whatever part of the button you hover over? I would also like this button to have a different color and style.


To change the color of a tab edit this template:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> EXTRA.css

Rich (BB code):
.navTabs .navTab.nodetab1 .navLink
	color: red;

.navTabs .navTab.1
	background-color: purple;

You need to specify the node_id of the tab.
Error after installing update:
Error Info
ErrorException: Fatal Error: syntax error, unexpected $end - library/NodesAsTabs/API.php:90
Generated By: darnoldy, Yesterday at 10:15 PM
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError('NodesAsTabs_API')
#1 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(96) ""
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {

Looks like a corrupt file. Try re-uploading the files.
Wow, this all works prefectly!

One last thing: I would like to change the tekst of the menubutton from "Menubutton" to something like "Menu<b>Button</b>". With html. Is there a way to do that?

You would have to edit the navigation template and replace {$extraTab.title} with {xen:raw $extraTab.title}. That should allow HTML in the tab title to pass through.
Hi Jake. Thanks a lot for the update. One question, "Popup Links As Columns", is only working for the root node?

Fundamentally, Popup Links As Columns takes a node structure like this:

Node Tab
- Cat1
- - Forum1
- - Page1
- - Link-forum1
- Cat2
- - Forum2
- - Page2
- - Link-forum2

And displays it in the navbar like this:

Node Tab
|Cat1			Cat2		|
|- Forum1		- Forum2	|
|- Page1		- Page2		|
|- Link-forum1		- Link-forum2	|
No. That option is generic for all node tabs. You can enable it for regular node tabs (not root). A root tab is just the most obvious application.
Ah yes, I see it working now on my site. Problem is, you have to make sure your mouse is right over the arrow to make the columns show. If you just hover your mouse over tab, they do not show.
Any easy way for the new forum list popup functionality from the latest update to be listed as a popup/menu item in the submenu instead of a primary tab?
Deep children of a selected node tab are shown as "secondary popups" as is shown in the demo picture here:

These "secondary popups" follow from the node structure of the node tab.

But the new addition with the forum list columns pop-up requires the node in question to be defined as the root node. Can you have it specified as the root node, yet listed as a child forum of a different forum, then displaying the dropdown off the entire forum menu from it's parents?

I'd ideally like to do this forum the index, but even testing it under a particular forum doesn't seem to work. Best I can tell this isn't possible.

Edit: added screenshot for illustrative purposes:

Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 8.16.16 PM.webp
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