Nodes As Tabs

Nodes As Tabs 1.5.1

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Hi Jake : "test" is a redirection page.
So i can set this redirection link to Display as Tab
Then the Children are page links : i set "Children as link" : but how i specify that those Pages are Children As Links of the Redirection Page ?
(Menu item is : "Comparer les prix" here :
Thank you Jake
Because i do not have a forum dedicated to this navigation item
This is a price comparator title only which leads to several sub-pages per computer model.
May be i can hardcode the dropdown menu in the navigation template itself ?
You can create arbitrary links with link-forums, but using a link-forum as a tab which links to yet another node is silly.

Ignoring the "why", I don't understand the problem you are having. The tools are there to create a new tab with secondary links using nodes. Normally the tab is the parent node and the child nodes are the secondary links underneath that tab.
The fact is that nodes (child) are pages which are already child nodes of categories.
I mean :
Category 1
> Sub-item1 (a page)
Category 2
> Sub-item2 (a page)

I don't want to regroup all those Sub-item (pages) in one forum, they are currently displayed as page in each category
I just need to create a new entry in the menu (Test for ex) and call all the Sub_item (pages) in dropdown menu.
Don't know if i am clear enough (sorry for bad english, i am not native)

If there nodes are not related then you would have to create manual links using link-forums under the node tab, or use a Links Template.
Thank you for your answer Jake.
Don't really know how to do that.
I will search the forum, trying to build a manually dropdown menu in navbar.
It's possible to create nodes with its child nodes and pages and make it invisible into the forum but visibile in the tabs?

That's in the instructions:

To create a node as a tab you simply need to set these two options as shown below (the first of which is a standard node option, the second of which is added by this addon):

Admin CP -> Applications -> Display Node Tree -> [click the node]

View attachment 29093
View attachment 29094

You can enable both options if you want the node to be listed in both places, but normally you would only enable one.
Can I use HTML URL?
I wanna that users will be redirected to this URL their own profile page when they click on this link forum on the tab..

I wanna use this HTML code on tab url;
<a href="{xen:link members, $visitor}">{xen:phrase your_profile_page}</a>


Can I use HTML URL?
I wanna that users will be redirected to this URL their own profile page when they click on this link forum on the tab..

I wanna use this HTML code on tab url;
<a href="{xen:link members, $visitor}">{xen:phrase your_profile_page}</a>

View attachment 44270

View attachment 44271

No that doesn't work. You can only use static URLs.

For such a link you should edit the navbar itself. Code examples here:
That is not supported by the skeleton for extraTabs, but you can do it with javascript:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> page_container_js_body

Add the red code. Change the 1 to the node_id of the tab:

Rich (BB code):
window.onload = function()
 $('.nodetab1 a.navLink').attr('target','_blank');
<xen:hook name="page_container_js_body">
jQuery.extend(true, XenForo,
visitor: { user_id: {$visitor.user_id} },
now: {$},
today: {$},
todayDow: {$serverTimeInfo.todayDow}
_lightBoxUniversal: "{$xenOptions.lightBoxUniversal}",
_enableOverlays: "@enableOverlays",
_animationSpeedMultiplier: "@animationSpeedMultiplier",
top: "@overlayTop",
speed: {xen:calc '@overlaySpeed * @animationSpeedMultiplier'},
closeSpeed: {xen:calc '@overlayCloseSpeed * @animationSpeedMultiplier'},
color: "@overlayMaskColor",
opacity: "@overlayMaskOpacity",
loadSpeed: {xen:calc '@overlaySpeed * @animationSpeedMultiplier'},
closeSpeed: {xen:calc '@overlayCloseSpeed * @animationSpeedMultiplier'}
_ignoredUsers: {xen:helper json, $visitor.ignoredUsers},
_loadedScripts: {/*<!--XenForo_Required_Scripts-->*/},
_cookieConfig: { path: "{xen:jsescape $xenOptions.cookieConfig.path}", domain: "{xen:jsescape $xenOptions.cookieConfig.domain}", prefix: "{xen:jsescape $xenOptions.cookieConfig.prefix}"},
_csrfToken: "{xen:jsescape $visitor.csrf_token_page}",
_csrfRefreshUrl: "{xen:jsescape {xen:link login/csrf-token-refresh}}",
_jsVersion: "{$xenOptions.jsVersion}"
cancel: "{xen:jsescape {xen:phrase cancel}}",
a_moment_ago:    "{xen:jsescape {xen:phrase a_moment_ago}}",
one_minute_ago:  "{xen:jsescape {xen:phrase one_minute_ago}}",
x_minutes_ago:  "{xen:jsescape {xen:phrase x_minutes_ago, 'minutes=%minutes%'}}",
today_at_x:      "{xen:jsescape {xen:phrase today_at_x, 'time=%time%'}}",
yesterday_at_x:  "{xen:jsescape {xen:phrase yesterday_at_x, 'time=%time%'}}",
day_x_at_time_y: "{xen:jsescape {xen:phrase day_x_at_time_y, 'day=%day%', 'time=%time%'}}",
day0: "{xen:jsescape {xen:phrase day_sunday}}",
day1: "{xen:jsescape {xen:phrase day_monday}}",
day2: "{xen:jsescape {xen:phrase day_tuesday}}",
day3: "{xen:jsescape {xen:phrase day_wednesday}}",
day4: "{xen:jsescape {xen:phrase day_thursday}}",
day5: "{xen:jsescape {xen:phrase day_friday}}",
day6: "{xen:jsescape {xen:phrase day_saturday}}",
_months: "{xen:jsescape '{xen:phrase month_1},{xen:phrase month_2},{xen:phrase month_3},{xen:phrase month_4},{xen:phrase month_5},{xen:phrase month_6},{xen:phrase month_7},{xen:phrase month_8},{xen:phrase month_9},{xen:phrase month_10},{xen:phrase month_11},{xen:phrase month_12}'}",
_daysShort: "{xen:jsescape '{xen:phrase day_sunday_short},{xen:phrase day_monday_short},{xen:phrase day_tuesday_short},{xen:phrase day_wednesday_short},{xen:phrase day_thursday_short},{xen:phrase day_friday_short},{xen:phrase day_saturday_short}'}",
following_error_occurred: "{xen:jsescape {xen:phrase following_error_occurred}}",
server_did_not_respond_in_time_try_again: "{xen:jsescape {xen:phrase server_did_not_respond_in_time_try_again}}",
logging_in: "{xen:jsescape {xen:phrase logging_in}}",
click_image_show_full_size_version: "{xen:jsescape {xen:phrase click_image_show_full_size_version}}",
show_hidden_content_by_x: "{xen:jsescape {xen:phrase show_hidden_content_by_x}}"
// Facebook Javascript SDK
XenForo.Facebook.appId = "{xen:jsescape $xenOptions.facebookAppId}";
XenForo.Facebook.forceInit = {xen:if $facebookSdk, true, false};

This works perfectly for menus as main tabs. I'm curious to how to get this to work with submenus/dropdown menus.
Jake Bunce updated Nodes As Tabs with a new update entry:

1.1.4 Changes

Two new features:

1) Support for multi-level child nodes as secondary links.

2) Support for unread counter bubble which indicates the number of unread threads contained in that tab. This requires XenForo 1.1.4. Also, XenForo 1.1.4 has two bugs that affect this feature:

These will be fixed in XenForo...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I updated to the latest version and applied the templates changes to navigation template and I still have the count bubble scurry away at the far right. I'm using Flexile.
NOTE: I enable the unread count for only one Forum link Nodetab and if the other tabs are active (Home, Forum, wiki, etc), the bubble shows correctly on the intended Nodetab. But as soon as I click on that nodetab, the bubble count will move to the far right.

Here is the navigation template

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Screen Shot 2013-04-30 at 5.47.41 AM.webp
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