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Hey Mike,
No offense but I don't get it. Your gaming site looks unorganized. I'm not an old fuddy-duddy stuck in my ways but it seems as though the content is harder to find and all over the place using this. It does not give the user a better experience INVHO. Sorry to be a ****er on this but I just don't get it.

Hi @Mike Creuzer Had a play around and have a few questions!
  1. Your examples were showing a voting mechanism on the thread list view but doesn't seem to be available in the dl version.
  2. I'm finding it frustrating that you have the ability on a card to view the whole first post, but if you want to reply, you then have to click view, then once the thread opens scroll to the bottom to reply. Is there a better mechanism?
@Lukas W.

Can you tell me what the criteria is for determining "hot" threads? Number of views? Replies? I couldn't find any settings for this. TIA
@Lukas W.

Can you tell me what the criteria is for determining "hot" threads? Number of views? Replies? I couldn't find any settings for this. TIA
You can find the general promotion rules under ACP > Forums > [Audentio] Feeds > Promotion rules. The curated feed (by default the Hot feed), will also draw out of the curated queue (which is accessible via the Hot feed at the frontend). Settings for that can be found under ACP > Options > [Audentio] Feeds: Curated Queue.
But I guess there is bug for other themas. For example I still can not see "Forum list" at my existing UI.X2 thema
I have not got any confirmation about this bug at UI.X 2 theme yet.

Just to be sure it is not a customization issue, I have also check the main UI.X2 thema. As you can see, ”Pinned” feature still does not work.


I am sure the settings at Feeds addon is correct. Because it is perfect with AC.UX thema


Could you please check it @Lukas W. , @Ian Hitt ?
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Hi @Mike Creuzer Had a play around and have a few questions!
  1. Your examples were showing a voting mechanism on the thread list view but doesn't seem to be available in the dl version.
  2. I'm finding it frustrating that you have the ability on a card to view the whole first post, but if you want to reply, you then have to click view, then once the thread opens scroll to the bottom to reply. Is there a better mechanism?
For your first question, the voting mechanism is connected to another add-on of ours that hasn't yet been released, known as Threads Types Plus.

There is no way to go about changing that up that I'm aware of for your second question. Maybe use the list view, click on the link for the thread, and then reply the old fashion way?

@Mike Creuzer What about compatible update for Latest Content Live Updates addon? Latest Content Live Updates addon are not work with Feeds addon because Latest activity are changed with Feeds addon.
Currently, there is no compatibility for this add-on with Feeds.

I have not got any confirmation about this bug at UI.X 2 theme yet.

Just to be sure it is not a customization issue, I have also check the main UI.X2 thema. As you can see, ”Pinned” feature still does not work.

View attachment 255671

I am sure the settings at Feeds addon is correct. Because it is perfect with AC.UX thema

View attachment 255672

Could you please check it @Lukas W. , @Ian Hitt ?
Thank you for pointing this out! We'll have a look :) For now enjoy AC.UI!
Just set this up on a brand new test board. Question - The feed options will not show automatically (Just hot) - and the others on a drop-down. Is there an option I am missing to make them all show by default? As i say, its a brand new forum with no posts. Will this be why?
Just set this up on a brand new test board. Question - The feed options will not show automatically (Just hot) - and the others on a drop-down. Is there an option I am missing to make them all show by default? As i say, its a brand new forum with no posts. Will this be why?
You can pin the individual feeds under ACP > Forums > [Audentio] Feeds > Feeds.
You can pin the individual feeds under ACP > Forums > [Audentio] Feeds > Feeds.
Awesome bud - thank you. It doesn't seem to adhere the icons though? Surely the icons shown in the menu for feeds, should show along side in the pinned list? if not, can this be added to be consistent UI with other icons elsewhere?
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Awesome bud - thank you. It doesn't seem to adhere the icons though? Surely the icons shown in the menu for feeds, should show along side in the pinned list? if not, can this be added to be consistent UI with other icons elsewhere?
That was just a last minute change Ian made, small bug. Icons are intended to show in the tab bar and dropdown respectively. For now you could turn icons off for consistency but they will be back.
I still don't quite understand how to get the desired content. I only want Questions and Threads feeds. When I view the Questions feed, it's pulling threads from 'Discussions' nodes. Same also with Threads feed, it's displaying content which are from "Questions' nodes.

Where do I set so that the Questions feed will only get threads from 'Questions' nodes? Or Threads feed will only display threads from "Discussions" nodes?

Also, can Feeds be bought separately or it has to be a bundle with the AC theme?
On the “create content” button there’s several options listed, are we able to alter those? For example I wish to remove the “ask a question” option at this time and don’t see how without maybe editing some templates.
On the “create content” button there’s several options listed, are we able to alter those? For example I wish to remove the “ask a question” option at this time and don’t see how without maybe editing some templates.
In : admin.php?options/groups/audfeeds/


@Lukas W. @Dalton Prock Are you adding the article and suggestions to the entries? I see that the post-thread?thread_type=article and post-thread?thread_type=suggestion work.
@Lukas W. @Mike Creuzer
I'm unclear on how to get reliable results with the thread filters. I've had a couple of people complain, for example, that when they sort threads by post date in descending order, they see posts that are clearly not the among the most recent, threads that haven't even been replied to in a couple of days. Are there settings for this that I'm overlooking...?

EDIT: Actually, on second look, it's just that no threads are being displayed that were created later than Wednesday. Not sure why this is, though, since I can see that all the cron jobs ran today. :unsure:
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In : admin.php?options/groups/audfeeds/

View attachment 255730

@Lukas W. @Dalton Prock Are you adding the article and suggestions to the entries? I see that the post-thread?thread_type=article and post-thread?thread_type=suggestion work.
It'll run with any valid thread type key actually! We haven't exactly planned to add any additional ones right now, but we'll give it a consideration. You can add them manually in the following template at the start or end of the list manually in the meantime if you want: audfeeds_createTrigger

@Lukas W. @Mike Creuzer
I'm unclear on how to get reliable results with the thread filters. I've had a couple of people complain, for example, that when they sort threads by post date in descending order, they see posts that are clearly not the among the most recent, threads that haven't even been replied to in a couple of days. Are there settings for this that I'm overlooking...?

EDIT: Actually, on second look, it's just that no threads are being displayed that were created later than Wednesday. Not sure why this is, though, since I can see that all the cron jobs ran today. :unsure:
Did you run the promotion rebuild CLI command? Otherwise the thread feed will only get populated whenever a thread changes and the postSave triggers, which will then run the promotion.
Did you run the promotion rebuild CLI command? Otherwise the thread feed will only get populated whenever a thread changes and the postSave triggers, which will then run the promotion.
Ah, okay, if I'm understanding you right, the postdate filter isn't going to work at all like an average user would expect when using it, but rather only according to whatever promotion criteria being used..? In that case, I'll probably just disable this, sounds like it will lead to too much confusion, and tell them to use the Latest activity feed for that kind of thing - although it would be nice if there were filters to sort by node there, too. Thanks for the reply.
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