New Posts and Threads

New Posts and Threads 1.1.5

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k, I see. That sounds reasonable @sadiq6210. I'm going to implement it in the next minor release (1.1). I've currently planned to have an additional link „Recent Posts and Threads“ in the navbar like with the CTA add-on that will have recent content as the default and also two perms for these links to show and hide them.

Great :)
The add-ons doesn't add or modify any tabs in a member's profile page. That is actually a completely different kettle of fish.
So...not sure if this is working as intended, but I'm just now noticing (took me long enough!) that you can't get more than one page of results for just New Threads. If you're looking at the titles under the New Threads pane and you click to go to the next page it automatically takes you to the next page of results for New Threads & Posts. In other words, you can't view multiple pages of just new threads, only multiple pages of new threads and posts combined. Is it supposed to work that way? Thanks
mvk updated New Posts and Threads with a new update entry:

This bugfix release resolves several issues.

  • the „New Posts and Threads“ tab is now shown as selected when it is active
  • the search results page navigation bars now show the correct thread numbers („Showing results x to y of z")
  • a click on a search results page navigation link now result in the display of the correct search results
  • fixed a bug that resulted in a „Undefined variable: newThreads“ error message in the „New Posts“ and „New Threads“ tab when there were new/unread posts and no new/unread threads

Read the rest of this update entry...
The problem I mentioned in my last post above has still not been resolved. Sorry if you're already aware of this! I wasn't sure if your third bullet point was referencing that particular issue. Maybe next patch...? Thank you
Hm, that's odds. It works for me. So all the page numbers in the „New Threads“ (and „New Posts“?) tab still link to the „New Posts and Threads“ tab? That means they have the link format "find-new/{search_id}/posts?page=X" ?
Hm, that's odds. It works for me. So all the page numbers in the „New Threads“ (and „New Posts“?) tab still link to the „New Posts and Threads“ tab? That means they have the link format "find-new/{search_id}/posts?page=X" ?

Yes, that's correct. When you click the New Threads tab you get one page of results, which are all actually new threads:

but when you click to go to the next page you get:
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K, now I see what the problem is. The first URL you posted links to the „threads“ action. This kind of URLs are created only by the predecessor add-on „New Threads“. If you deactivate this add-on it should work..
K, now I see what the problem is. The first URL you posted links to the „threads“ action. This kind of URLs are created only by the predecessor add-on „New Threads“. If you deactivate this add-on it should work..
Sorry, I obviously got tripped up on which addon I was commenting on, but I could have sworn that the product I bought from you before advertised itself as showing new threads, and in fact it says New Posts & Threads in my navigation after installing it. So now I just have to buy and install the other addon that's actually named now "New Posts and Threads" and I will have the actual new threads feature I thought I was buying with the first one. Okay, got it, thank you.
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Yeah, it can be somewhat confusing.. Therefore I sent an info email to all „New Threads“ customers shortly after I released the new add-on. But I guess you haven't noticed it.. So yeah, you just need to remove the old add-on and install the new one. Don't forget to add the Branding Removel optional extra to the cart. For customers of the old add-on a 100% discount will automatically applied to your cart when you add the optional extra. So there is no drawback for you.
Yeah, it can be somewhat confusing.. Therefore I sent an info email to all „New Threads“ customers shortly after I released the new add-on. But I guess you haven't noticed it.. So yeah, you just need to remove the old add-on and install the new one. Don't forget to add the Branding Removel optional extra to the cart. For customers of the old add-on a 100% discount will automatically applied to your cart when you add the optional extra. So there is no drawback for you.
It's possible that I saw the email, but I might have just figured it was the usual update notice for an addon and didn't read it, since the names are so similar. Anyway, sorry for the misunderstanding. And I appreciate you offering the upgrade for free to previous owners.
It seems that your add-on doesn't plays nicely with route filters. I need to disable the following route filter in order to be able to click on "New Posts" and "New Threads":

find-new/{num:digit}/posts -> news/{num:digit}/publications

Once I disable that route filter then I'm able to click on "New Posts" and "New Threads". However another problem arises and is that I have created the following route filters for your add-on:

find-new/{num:digit}/OnlyPosts -> news/{num:digit}/just-posts
find-new/{num:digit}/OnlyThreads -> news/{num:digit}/just-threads

And none of them seem to be working. For example when I click on "New Posts" the URL on my browser still reads as find-new/xxxxx/OnlyPosts (and similar for "New Threads").

Btw I have a suggestion: it would be awesome if at the ACP we could choose whether we want to show "New Posts and Threads", "New Posts" and "New Threads". In my case I believe that splitting a single tab into 3 is a bit overkill, I would like to only have "New Posts and Threads" and "New Threads".
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First of all, sorry for the late reply. Unfortunatel until now I haven't noticed any of the messages since my last post :/

It seems that your add-on doesn't plays nicely with route filters

Thx for the heads-up. I'll look into this issue asap.

In my case I believe that splitting a single tab into 3 is a bit overkill, I would like to only have "New Posts and Threads" and "New Threads".

Yeah, if you have a lot of tabs in total then the tab line may get somewhat cluttered. I've actually already planned to provide a way to choose the tabs to be displayed. However, keep in mind that removing the „New Posts“ or „New Threads“ tab will also decrease the usefullness of the add-on...

Btw, until this feature is implemented you can make a small change to the _getWrapperTabs() method to hide any tab. You just need to comment out the corresponding tab definition with a double slash. For example to hide the the „New Posts“ tab change the code to

protected function _getWrapperTabs()

  // add the „New Posts“ tab
  // $tabs['onlyPosts'] = array('href' => XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('find-new/onlyPosts'),
  //                       'title' => new XenForo_Phrase('new_posts'));

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