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Oblivion Knight

Well-known member
I would love to change the world but they won't give me the source code.



Nerdface is a friendly place where (almost) anything goes, and self-proclaimed nerds are especially welcome!

What is Nerdface? I'm so glad you asked! Nerdface is a nickname that I was given approximately 7 years ago by my wife and a mutual friend, owing to the fact that I wear glasses and do nerdy things (such as forums!). The nickname has stuck ever since - I've never minded it, in fact I have embraced it. Why create a website based on a nickname? Why not!

I've tried creating and running gaming based websites previously, as I am primarily a gamer at heart. However, it is such a large and competitive sector to try and break into that unless you can offer something truly unique on your website, it is a struggle to keep it active and therefore maintain the motivation to keep it alive. As Nerdface doesn't have a particular subject matter, I can design and write things as I please (and will try to implement popular requests)!

The initial idea is to write content from experience; tips on PC applications, browser enhancements, useful OS tools/edits, gaming tips and tools, bargain deals/offers that I find.. General nerdy stuff really! I'll probably throw in tidbits of news that I feel may be of use and/or interest too as and when I have the opportunity.

Last updated: 09/07/2019

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Unfortunately the server is currently being subjected to an exhaustive DDoS attack.

It was confirmed that no data was compromised during the attack. I have also since moved host.
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So.. Personal circumstances meant that the project was left collecting dust for the best part of six months.

When I came back to re-visit things in October, I wasn't entirely satisfied and decided to re-design it. I trawled through literally all of the XF2 add-ons on offer, tweaking and customising them as I saw fit. It's been a rough ride, but I'm finally ready to give it another go (after a last minute server switch following a few issues)!

I'm staying on 2.0 for the time being, and will review a few more add-ons I'd like to implement when 2.1 is stable.

It would be awesome if any fellow XF fans could help start building the community up, but I appreciate everyone is busy with their own projects.
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I'm largely happy with how things are going, but there's always room for improvements.. ;)

Many, many updates are planned to coincide with updating to 2.1 when it is stable including the introduction of Blogs. I'm going to be performing a test upgrade to Beta 5 (or newer if released) on my local environment in the coming days, but in the meantime I am still largely focused on trying to bring additional activity to the place. If anyone is interested in a post exchange then please send me a PM.

I've made a few edits of my previous posts within this thread to clarify a previous DDoS attack, and have cleaned up the original post.
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Nerdface has had a massive upgrade, not just updating to XenForo 2.1.0 but re-visiting the add-ons installed, swapping and/or tweaking them, and adding a bunch of new functionality.. There's too much to list in a thread like this, so I'll provide a few highlights.

Final jobs to complete the upgrade include tweaking user profiles and the trophy system, as well as implementing alternative smilie sets (most of which I have already made a start on). Following that, content and pushing for more sign-ups..

Perhaps one of the most requested XenForo 2.x features is now live at Nerdface, running the infamous UBS system by @Bob! I haven't had much time to tweak things just yet, but it already has all the functionality I desired from such an add-on, and more..


The library has been made possible by a number of add-ons; The thread starter add-ons by @Snog, alphabetical pagination by @au lait, aggregating forums by @Xon, thread filters by @AddonsLab, and grid nodes by @BassMan. The styling of the grid nodes was "borrowed" from @Gemma (I hope you don't mind!).

194900 194901

Despite initially starting with @XDinc's slider and swapping to an alternative prior to launch, I have reverted back and fixed one or two bugs with it.. I much preferred the look and feel of their design.

The Nerdface Dark theme is out of beta!

View attachment 199109

It's taken a bit more tweaking than anticipated, but the Nerdface v2 Dark theme is complete - and I'm very happy with it!

Lots of small changes have occurred since the XF 2.1 upgrade. If you haven't visited for a while please do, and sign up if you have a few moments to spare! We'd love to chat with you :).
You've done a fantastic job. Well done, your site looks great!(y)
Nerdface is nearing 100 modifications running side-by-side making us (probably) one of the most modified XenForo installations.. Hopefully not that you'd realise it, although I don't know whether to be impressed or horrified. :p
It's probably over 100 actually.. I've made a load of custom changes that I haven't packaged up.

We recently passed 1,000 total posts, and are already starting to race toward 2,000.. Activity is starting to pick up nicely.

Finally, Nerdface has recently partnered with @Brad Padgett and MindPiff Community and we feel that both communities are benefitting from this nicely.
Nerdface is nearing 100 modifications running side-by-side making us (probably) one of the most modified XenForo installations.. Hopefully not that you'd realise it, although I don't know whether to be impressed or horrified. :p
It's probably over 100 actually.. I've made a load of custom changes that I haven't packaged up.

We recently passed 1,000 total posts, and are already starting to race toward 2,000.. Activity is starting to pick up nicely.

Finally, Nerdface has recently partnered with @Brad Padgett and MindPiff Community and we feel that both communities are benefitting from this nicely.
Congratulations nerd! 🤓
Nerdface is nearing 100 modifications running side-by-side making us (probably) one of the most modified XenForo installations.. Hopefully not that you'd realise it, although I don't know whether to be impressed or horrified. :p
It's probably over 100 actually.. I've made a load of custom changes that I haven't packaged up.

We recently passed 1,000 total posts, and are already starting to race toward 2,000.. Activity is starting to pick up nicely.

Finally, Nerdface has recently partnered with @Brad Padgett and MindPiff Community and we feel that both communities are benefitting from this nicely.

Thank you @Nerdface for mentioning me in your post. Yes I'm excited to be partnered with Nerd Face. It's a great little community I've come to recently like a lot. A lot of nice people on there and it's very fun for me in my opinion to participate and post when I have time. Site looks great too. Keep up the good work (y)
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