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Thought I knew you from somewhere :D

The forum looks very appealing, only issue I find is the too small font size. Last time I had anything under 14pixels Google 'congratulated' me with a message in the search console to please increase size. Other that, looking dandy
Thanks for the feedback.

I have considered your comment about font size and have put it to a vote with the current community. I wouldn't say it's much smaller than the XenForo default, but perhaps that extra pixel makes all the difference.. 😅
The latest build of Nerdface has now gone live! :cool:

v2.1.9 focuses on closer integration with the Blogs and Media centre, providing them with additional space on the forum index to showcase this additional content. These features will also be fully integrated with the site's Trophies prior to completion of the beta phase.

Initial steps toward this were taken previously with the implementation of an 'Upcoming events' widget linking from the Calendar, and a re-organisation of the categories within the Media centre.
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