Style Need Minecraft style - Paid


Hello! I am looking for a different but amazing Minecraft style for my website ( As you can see I already use the most popular Minecraft style on the community today, but I need something a little more.... Exciting I guess. My budget for this is around $40, but I might be able to get a small amount more.

I know styling isn't easy, I've tried it myself and it can be either a ***** or your friend.

I would like it to be better than the style that's already on my website today (Not saying it's bad, just saying I need something different). Not to sound like a hipster but it's too main stream; too many people use it already. And yes, I've seen the $5 style that just came out, but as I said I want it to be better and similar to the style I've got now.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, and if you'd like to design it PM me or you can email me @
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