Just a recap of some of the work I have done (forum homes), or am in progress of doing. I have recieved a few PM's saying they weren't interested in reading through the entire thread.

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I will no longer be answering PM's about customization. I'm a bit tired of sifting through requests, and finding a bit are those that are just looking to rip me off of my time and work. If you are interested, feel free to post here.
I have an older PM with you and just updated the PM, please let me know soon as possible thanks Sheldon! ;)
Hey Sheldon. I'm interested in some help as well. I'm no ripoff artist ;) You would likely be interested due to the craziness with which I had my last vB home template :) Let me know if you are interested - top of my forum home is a link to my Skype if you are interested, contact me. [Forum is vB, but is mostly moved to xenForo on staging location - can talk more via Skype]
Playing around with an "Admin" type of forum... this would be a base (just using the structure from Admin Extra... looked at other, it's laid out a bit different for my tastes, so couldn't do much as far as a start).

Anywho, other areas would get other features, but I would definitely base if off this part.


Hiding the "Announcement Archive" from showing on the first node would be ideal... I'd likely change the background colors of the forums, and have an icon located in the block to give a quick glance idea of what was in the forum itself. As far as the forum software, simply alpha order, nothing more. If it was me, I'd simply have xF across the top and not list any others... after all, what's the point. :sneaky:

Meh, either way... boredom again.
@Sheldon are a great majority of your customizations done with UI.x theme? Love every bit of work you've come up with.

Yes. It's the framework I prefer to work with, as well as any of the child themes available for it (Quark, Anti-Quark, UI.X Dark, etc...)

And now is a good time to address the nonsense rumors I have been asked about... NO, I do not make anything from Audentio. I have never used a referral link, I will never post one either. I gain nothing from using this theme other than ease of use. I have purchased each theme of his myself.

If asked, yes, I will suggest to use this theme as it is my opinion that it is the most flexible, easy to use framework I have come across.
Yes. It's the framework I prefer to work with, as well as any of the child themes available for it (Quark, Anti-Quark, UI.X Dark, etc...)

And now is a good time to address the nonsense rumors I have been asked about... NO, I do not make anything from Audentio. I have never used a referral link, I will never post one either. I gain nothing from using this theme other than ease of use. I have purchased each theme of his myself.

If asked, yes, I will suggest to use this theme as it is my opinion that it is the most flexible, easy to use framework I have come across.

I quite like the theme and framework as well.
Playing around with an "Admin" type of forum... this would be a base (just using the structure from Admin Extra... looked at other, it's laid out a bit different for my tastes, so couldn't do much as far as a start).

Anywho, other areas would get other features, but I would definitely base if off this part.

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Hiding the "Announcement Archive" from showing on the first node would be ideal... I'd likely change the background colors of the forums, and have an icon located in the block to give a quick glance idea of what was in the forum itself. As far as the forum software, simply alpha order, nothing more. If it was me, I'd simply have xF across the top and not list any others... after all, what's the point. :sneaky:

Meh, either way... boredom again.

By coincidence, I've just installed UI.X on Admin Extra and I think Sheldon is already having his way with it. (y)
I must say I'm loving the new style! Sheldon had done tons of customizations, some of them so subtle that I don't think anyone has noticed them all... yet. We're still looking for feedback - tell us what you think! :)
Sheldon, this is some seriously awesome work you've done. The pictures behind the nodes/forums, is that done through an option in UI.X or is that done mostly with coding?
Sheldon, this is some seriously awesome work you've done. The pictures behind the nodes/forums, is that done through an option in UI.X or is that done mostly with coding?
its actually simple css. UI.X provides the canvas, and you just have to color it in ;)
The Logo Chooser is fabulous. AdEx has an original logo which many people really like. But as in most things, it's not unanimous and this gives people a choice in what is actually a pretty important part of the overall look and feel of a forum. That said, I don't plan on going past 3 logo options and they will all be similar enough to provide a recognizable identity to the community.
That's awesome. Do you plan on releasing a guide/add on, or is it something that you will provide only to your clients?

I haven't ever had a client....

Anywho... it won't be released. I'm not interested in supporting it or attempting to explain it. It's very simple if you'd stay within certain rules, but as with everything, pushing the envelope is what gets progress. At this point, I'm just not interested in spending time on it in a guide type setting.
@Sheldon I just wanna say a really big thank you to you for trialling different things and generally thinking outside the square. It certainly gives myself ideas and no doubt to many others. Keep up the great work!
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