My Saga and What I Would Need Xenforo To Achieve

Rick King

New member

Going to lay things out for you. I am considering Xenforo for my business/website. I have tried a ton of things over the years. The latest monstrosity was an attempt to combine the best of Wordpress, PHPBB3, and Boonex Dolphin 7 ( )

That website is everything to us. There are some vital features that we would have to retain, and here is the short list:
A single website that gives us everything we have with Wordpress, with a fully functional and easy to manage Forum system.

I somewhat hope Xenforo can do that. I am however attempting to avoid setting us up for another epic fail like we faced after we tried to integrate phpbb3 and dolphin 7. I need a single website platform that gives us the full publishing power of wordpress or a reliable replacement, and fully featured forum system, with ONE LOGIN.

Right now, we have endured the current platform integration for about a year. It has been a royal pain I cannot describe. For some reason, there are issues with the session cookies/logins. Even when you login perfectly for months, occasionally something gets out of synch and you can't access the forum area. Our login situation is consuming far too much management time (assisting people who get stuck with the basic instructions to clear their browser settings of all session cookies).

If we can get what we need, and I am willing to work with someone who can prove to me they have the expertise to make it happen, we will switch to Xenforo.

SO - for those of you out there reading this - let me hear your thoughts, devils advocate/good/bad etc. I need to end up with a fully working website that has the best of at least Wordpress/PHPBB3 (or VB) and it would be nice to have some of the features available through a broader system like Boonex Dolphin 7.

So far - simply the cooperation I am getting from this community is enough to sell me. You have all sold me on this as our next platform. I will keep things simple/concise if I have questions as we move forward. It will likely be in a couple weeks once we have shifted to our new server. I will setup a dev site at that time and then, considering how helpful you have all been - I'll post the link to that dev site here for your comments (a second, third set of eyes etc would be great).

Catching up on your messages above. I very much appreciate the assistance so far.

Well I installed this to check it for you and apparently you can change the server so assuming you know how and have the access to setup the irc daemon on your box you could just point it to that and then set the default chans that you want.
View attachment 16758

Gotta love those

Yes there is ... pages are click to create, the navigation area requires a small bit of editing. You could simply create a page ..set it to not show up in the node list...
View attachment 16759
...and then add the tab pointing to the page

I share that sentiment and like your style...welcome to the community.

So far this has been a great discussion. This is what I missed when Boonex/Dolphin fell apart and crumbled into hell. I have a great deal to do, have to plan for the following with the setup:
1. Design and setup our dev structure - Xenforo as the backbone. Wordpress will handle publishing. Probably the chat you mentioned above for that aspect.
2. Home page on Xenforo - and navigation - will be setup so the first page will be where our articles/news is highlighted. I'll have to get good with adjusting the navigation and setting up new pages. That is something I'm going to play around with on the dev side.
3. I need to dig into the available add-ons/plugins you guys have available. One thing that is confusing me already, when I pull up the style section of this site, I can't seem to download anything due to a permission issue. Might be because we haven't purchased the XF and it is waiting for that to allow the download - that will be remedied shortly.
4. Contacting all of our news syndication sources and ensuring that our RSS feeds in the new structure are still in place. Broken RSS feeds are a royal #$% to get past during a major renovation. That will take attention to detail.

Thanks again for the advice and tips,

Well once you purchase xf you login over here

You would login with the email you purchased with and simply add your forum id here by simply adding Rich King to the first line you will be able to access the resources here.

You can register feeds in the admin cp very easily ..but I cannot lie I am a bit confused about you saying syndication sources.. are these private for you/your site only. If it is a public feed I can test to see if the feed your after picks up.

If I didn't answer something it is most likely because I don't have input in that area that I feel would help you...I leave those for one of the people here who has the knowledge to explain...just a heads up :-)

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