Microcart [Paid] [Deleted]

Another cost for an update? I give up with your products. However, your support is excellent and the add-ons are stable.

If you purchase an item that you know HAS an annual renewal fee , you cant complain when that fee is charged...

Just had alook at your order and it was made 1st july 2012 so you would need to upgrade your order to be able to get the newer versions
There are tons of bugs in the version you sold before, let's start with the server errors:
ErrorException: Undefined index: id - library/MicroCart/Model/MicroCart.php:399
ErrorException: Undefined index: id - library/MicroCart/Model/MicroCart.php:344

Then there's the user member block:
Downloads (Gets "Error The requested page could not be found." when users haven't got a download)
Invoices (Gets "Error The requested page could not be found." when users haven't got an invoice)
Product & Services (Gets "Error The requested page could not be found.")
View Wish List (Gets "Error The requested page could not be found." when users haven't got a wish list)

Next in the AdminCP when services are disabled and you click the link for them:
Server Error
fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known

  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError()
  2. fsockopen() in /home/carpedie/public_html/microcart/Class/whm.php at line 47
  3. Whm->connect() in /home/carpedie/public_html/microcart/Class/whm.php at line 131
  4. Whm->version() in MicroCart/ControllerAdmin/MicroCart.php at line 258
  5. MicroCart_ControllerAdmin_MicroCart->actionWhmaccounts() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 337
  6. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  7. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/carpedie/public_html/admin.php at line 13

When RSS settings are turned off and the shop is closed the RSS icon still appears.

Then there are the styling issues: Screen Shot 2013-08-26 at 09.05.47.webpScreen Shot 2013-08-26 at 09.06.03.webpScreen Shot 2013-08-26 at 09.20.32.webp
The thumbnails show several formatting errors around the site, where the content overlaps the frame or the button background is a block colour in stead of looking like an integrated part.

Screen Shot 2013-08-26 at 09.26.18.webp
In this 1 - There's blank space above featured items, 2 if you click the item links you get this error message:
"Error The requested page could not be found."

Also when I go to buy an item through paypal I get this screen. (Yes my paypal account has been entered in correctly & it works in sandbox mode and when multi vendor is off.)
Screen Shot 2013-08-26 at 09.34.28.webp

Lastly is when you try to add a button to the knowledge base pages to redirect users using XF's nice buttons you get this error:
erver Error
Mysqli prepare error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '" class="button"> About Premium Membership ", ' at line 4

  1. Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 115
  2. Zend_Db_Statement->__construct() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php at line 381
  3. Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli->prepare() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 478
  4. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 753
  5. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->fetchRow() in MicroSupport/Model/MicroSupport.php at line 686
  6. MicroSupport_Model_MicroSupport->SaveFAQS() in MicroSupport/ControllerPublic/index.php at line 2152
  7. MicroSupport_ControllerPublic_index->actionSaveupdatefaq() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 337
  8. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  9. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/carpedie/public_html/index.php at line 13

So what I'm saying is you must offer this product update, it will be far less time consuming than getting this version working and you have essentially brought a product to market that is not fit for purpose. This is illegal in the UK and could seriously damage your business. It wasn't even a alpha/beta release so I'm very disappointed, in fact it was only 13 months ago that I bought this and none of them have been quite good enough for a live site yet.

Please do what you can to resolve this, until then I have no alternative but to warn other buyers to wait for further development in company policy.
Last edited:
Sorry I try not to get involved in disputes but in the review you have left you say you purchased v5 on 1st july 2012..

v3 was released on 16th July 2012 , so you must of bought v2 at that time...

So you bought version 2 and have updated or had the chance to do so until 1st July 2013

Now that timescale has passed you simply dont like it that you have to pay the renewal fee...

I have only had a few conversations with Michael this past week or so when I decided after chatting with him that it was time to buy.
Even though the feature I require more than any other is NOT included as yet.
But I found Michael honest enough to have the faith to buy now...

Sorry I try not to get involved in disputes but in the review you have left you say you purchased v5 on 1st july 2012..

v3 was released on 16th July 2012 , so you must of bought v2 at that time...

So you bought version 2 and have updated or had the chance to do so until 1st July 2013

Now that timescale has passed you simply dont like it that you have to pay the renewal fee...

I have only had a few conversations with Michael this past week or so when I decided after chatting with him that it was time to buy.
Even though the feature I require more than any other is NOT included as yet.
But I found Michael honest enough to have the faith to buy now...


It's not that I don't like the renewal fee it's that the software as it is doesn't function correctly, see: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/microcart-paid.32100/page-16#post-621995

I'm not asking for additional features of version 9. It's unacceptable that I paid for this thinking it was a full product then had to shelve it because of it's poor integration with xenforo, I've only just looked into putting it back onto my site and have a whole host of errors and server errors coming up as a result of this addon. It was released as a full commercial product which in the UK means it must be of a satisfactory quality and fit for purpose. It is neither, the sale of this up until version 9 has been illegal as I would require a developer to repair the code.

It is well within my rights to get a refund and repurchase.
Another cost for an update? I give up with your products. However, your support is excellent and the add-ons are stable.

its the same for xenforo when your year is up you will need to pay to upgrade and get new updates.
this is how it works with most software developers.
It's not that I don't like the renewal fee it's that the software as it is doesn't function correctly, see: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/microcart-paid.32100/page-16#post-621995

I'm not asking for additional features of version 9. It's unacceptable that I paid for this thinking it was a full product then had to shelve it because of it's poor integration with xenforo, I've only just looked into putting it back onto my site and have a whole host of errors and server errors coming up as a result of this addon. It was released as a full commercial product which in the UK means it must be of a satisfactory quality and fit for purpose. It is neither, the sale of this up until version 9 has been illegal as I would require a developer to repair the code.

It is well within my rights to get a refund and repurchase.
i can tell you it is not illegal at all, dont know where you got that from.
as for any refund you would not be able to get as it stats in the T&C you can request a refund within 7 days,
your payment was made over a year ago and you would not be able to get any refund of this.

all bugs that users have told me about and functions that have gone wrong for any reason are fixed as soon as possible and within any time frame.
if you decided to put the script on hold for that long its up to you.

i have supported this script and have worked along members to fix anything and add new functions as they are requested.

i also put a search on your username within my site and you have not posted any bugs or posted in any way shape or form to let me know of any problems you are having.
if this was the case and you had posted i would have answered you in a timely manner and fixed any problem you may have had.

you can ask many users here that have paid for my script and asked for help that they have got it in a very good time frame.
if you dont ask or dont post your concerns they will not be heard and will not be addressed.
There are tons of bugs in the version you sold before, let's start with the server errors:
ErrorException: Undefined index: id - library/MicroCart/Model/MicroCart.php:399
ErrorException: Undefined index: id - library/MicroCart/Model/MicroCart.php:344

Then there's the user member block:
Downloads (Gets "Error The requested page could not be found." when users haven't got a download)
Invoices (Gets "Error The requested page could not be found." when users haven't got an invoice)
Product & Services (Gets "Error The requested page could not be found.")
View Wish List (Gets "Error The requested page could not be found." when users haven't got a wish list)

Next in the AdminCP when services are disabled and you click the link for them:

When RSS settings are turned off and the shop is closed the RSS icon still appears.

Then there are the styling issues: View attachment 55139View attachment 55140View attachment 55142
The thumbnails show several formatting errors around the site, where the content overlaps the frame or the button background is a block colour in stead of looking like an integrated part.

View attachment 55141
In this 1 - There's blank space above featured items, 2 if you click the item links you get this error message:
"Error The requested page could not be found."

Also when I go to buy an item through paypal I get this screen. (Yes my paypal account has been entered in correctly & it works in sandbox mode and when multi vendor is off.)
View attachment 55143

Lastly is when you try to add a button to the knowledge base pages to redirect users using XF's nice buttons you get this error:
erver Error
Mysqli prepare error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '" class="button"> About Premium Membership ", ' at line 4

  1. Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 115
  2. Zend_Db_Statement->__construct() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php at line 381
  3. Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli->prepare() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 478
  4. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 753
  5. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->fetchRow() in MicroSupport/Model/MicroSupport.php at line 686
  6. MicroSupport_Model_MicroSupport->SaveFAQS() in MicroSupport/ControllerPublic/index.php at line 2152
  7. MicroSupport_ControllerPublic_index->actionSaveupdatefaq() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 337
  8. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  9. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/carpedie/public_html/index.php at line 13

So what I'm saying is you must offer this product update, it will be far less time consuming than getting this version working and you have essentially brought a product to market that is not fit for purpose. This is illegal in the UK and could seriously damage your business. It wasn't even a alpha/beta release so I'm very disappointed, in fact it was only 13 months ago that I bought this and none of them have been quite good enough for a live site yet.

Please do what you can to resolve this, until then I have no alternative but to warn other buyers to wait for further development in company policy.

Downloads (Gets "Error The requested page could not be found." when users haven't got a download)
Invoices (Gets "Error The requested page could not be found." when users haven't got an invoice)
Product & Services (Gets "Error The requested page could not be found.")
View Wish List (Gets "Error The requested page could not be found." when users haven't got a wish list)

these errors normaly happen if you dont have ioncube installed you will get page not found. ( if you had asked you would have been told this )

ErrorException: Undefined index: id - library/MicroCart/Model/MicroCart.php:399
ErrorException: Undefined index: id - library/MicroCart/Model/MicroCart.php:344

these were aslo fixed if you had asked about these errors.

Then there are the styling issues:

these are being addressed and being changed just ask members that have the updated versions.

In this 1 - There's blank space above featured items, 2 if you click the item links you get this error message:
"Error The requested page could not be found."

these where also fixed in the following updates as i was told by members about this error but if you put the scritp on hold for so long you would have known about this

Also when I go to buy an item through paypal I get this screen. (Yes my paypal account has been entered in correctly & it works in sandbox mode and when multi vendor is off.)

this is down to not adding in your paypal email address in the main settings and if you had multi-vendor system turned on you would have to enter the email address to each product you have added,
so not an error a over sight on your behalf.
its the same for xenforo when your year is up you will need to pay to upgrade and get new updates.
this is how it works with most software developers.
Xenforo works completely as designed and patches are released for free if there is an error.

i can tell you it is not illegal at all, dont know where you got that from.
as for any refund you would not be able to get as it stats in the T&C you can request a refund within 7 days,
your payment was made over a year ago and you would not be able to get any refund of this.
The Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 make it clear that any contract term that attempts to exclude or restrict my statutory rights will be unenforceable.

The term you refer to has the effect of taking away my right to reject goods that are defective and therefore is unfair and unenforceable.

In UK law under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 there are a strict set of rules that retailers and sellers must abide by. When you buy goods it means you've entered into a contract with the seller of these goods.

Anyway my main point is you've listed lots of bug fixes and things you've addressed in later versions so those that bought the product a while ago are left with a dud non functioning product, you should provide all your customers with fixes for quite fundamental errors, I downloaded the latest version I could and still encounter all of these bugs that were there at the time of purchase therefore making the product not fit for purpose or of satisfactory quality. 2/3 failures under the law.

I would invite you to reconsider your decision but should warn you that should you not be prepared to provide a refund or replacement product I am entitled to, I will be forced to take court action to recover this sum.

Furthermore I will report your contract terms to Trading Standards.
Xenforo works completely as designed and patches are released for free if there is an error.

The Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 make it clear that any contract term that attempts to exclude or restrict my statutory rights will be unenforceable.

The term you refer to has the effect of taking away my right to reject goods that are defective and therefore is unfair and unenforceable.

In UK law under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 there are a strict set of rules that retailers and sellers must abide by. When you buy goods it means you've entered into a contract with the seller of these goods.

Anyway my main point is you've listed lots of bug fixes and things you've addressed in later versions so those that bought the product a while ago are left with a dud non functioning product, you should provide all your customers with fixes for quite fundamental errors, I downloaded the latest version I could and still encounter all of these bugs that were there at the time of purchase therefore making the product not fit for purpose or of satisfactory quality. 2/3 failures under the law.

I would invite you to reconsider your decision but should warn you that should you not be prepared to provide a refund or replacement product I am entitled to, I will be forced to take court action to recover this sum.

Furthermore I will report your contract terms to Trading Standards.

yes you did enter into a contract and that contract is for 1 year you have had your script for over this 1 year and there for the contract is voided after that year.
one more thing it stats in any laws you are refering to that you should ask the seller to help you resolve any problems and to come to an agreement to resolve any problems for over 1 year you have not posted one report or asked for any help in any way shape or form and if you took this to court i will state this that you have not reported or asked for any help and they would most likly say its your fault not asking in the first place.

The only think i can do for you is upgrade your account to get the next 2 versions above the version you have installed,
i would not give you access to the latest versions as your license is over and not active any more.

If you want the latest version you would have to pay for the upgrade.

Also the law stats with any program they will be and most likely bugs in the scripts as no script is bug free.

as for some of the errors you have had with the version you have installed are down to you not putting in the info where needed so these errors are not down to the script at all.
Another cost for an update? I give up with your products. However, your support is excellent and the add-ons are stable.

To be honest here, it is not unlikely for there to be a cost for updates at a yearly fee - it really helps any product continue development and support.

Just had alook at your order and it was made 1st july 2012 so you would need to upgrade your order to be able to get the newer versions

A security fix should always be "free" no matter what if this is the case.
one more thing it stats in any laws you are refering to that you should ask the seller to help you resolve any problems and to come to an agreement to resolve any problems for over 1 year you have not posted one report or asked for any help in any way shape or form and if you took this to court i will state this that you have not reported or asked for any help and they would most likly say its your fault not asking in the first place.

The only think i can do for you is upgrade your account to get the next 2 versions above the version you have installed,
i would not give you access to the latest versions as your license is over and not active any more.

If you want the latest version you would have to pay for the upgrade.

Also the law stats with any program they will be and most likely bugs in the scripts as no script is bug free.

as for some of the errors you have had with the version you have installed are down to you not putting in the info where needed so these errors are not down to the script at all.
The law works on the basis that the product should work, if not customer refund or replacement upon request, any time after the purchase has been made if the fault was there at the time it was purchased, which it was (many of them).

As I have stated I do not want the latest version, I just want the latest one that works as intended without gaps in the style and/or server errors. Of course software can have bugs but these are serious server errors that prevent functionality.

It is also within my rights to shelve a product and come back to it later, I'm coming to you know with my dispute and have suggested possible solutions. Provided the version you are talking about works as intended and within the xenforo system then I'll accept a settlement as I've said I want the software working as intended but if there are still major functionality problems please just give me one that works out of the box no additional developer needed.

You should stand by your early customers as I bought this expecting pretty much what it is now. Just want a working bug free product that I can be proud of.

Thank you for your cooperation.
To be honest here, it is not unlikely for there to be a cost for updates at a yearly fee - it really helps any product continue development and support.

A security fix should always be "free" no matter what if this is the case.

if there was a security problem then yes this would be free as for bugs and styling these are an on going problem for any software developer and even xf are still fixing bugs as thats the norm.
if there was a security problem then yes this would be free as for bugs and styling these are an on going problem for any software developer and even xf are still fixing bugs as thats the norm.
Users are not able to encounter any bugs on my XF site because it is well developed and tested before released for sale, it's like you sold it to me in alpha phase and now i've got the beta and have to pay more for the final version. All of the server errors on my site are as a result of this product:

Server Error Logs

    1. Undefined variable: expiredate56 minutes ago - library/MicroCart/CronEntry/CronJobs.php:105

    2. Undefined variable: expiredate56 minutes ago - library/MicroCart/CronEntry/CronJobs.php:105

    3. Undefined variable: expiredate56 minutes ago - library/MicroCart/CronEntry/CronJobs.php:105

    4. Undefined variable: expiredate56 minutes ago - library/MicroCart/CronEntry/CronJobs.php:105

    5. Undefined index: idToday at 12:01 PM - library/MicroCart/Model/MicroCart.php:399
If you are using with XenForo 1.2 it will receive those errors, cron.php isn't used any longer in 1.2.
Not having an update for that is unacceptable & a major flaw because I have no idea how to resolve something like that.

Anyway Michael has kindly offered to support me in getting this working, so the issue will be resolved and I will keep the product.
Actually, it is not unacceptable. You paid for a product that requires yearly renewal fee to obtain updates. Yours expired thus you should have to pay to get the latest version that is compatible with XenForo 1.2.
Actually, it is not unacceptable. You paid for a product that requires yearly renewal fee to obtain updates. Yours expired thus you should have to pay to get the latest version that is compatible with XenForo 1.2.

Well said, couldn't agree more....(y)

Or should we all take a hissy fit when we cant get what we think we should have.. Full creds to Michael again for trying to sort it out...
I think as the customer too its your due diligence to do your research and make sure the product is what you need. While I'll admit the MicroCart had some problems for us when I installed it/upgrade, I will say Michael responded quickly and usually with a fix.

On top of that... I also asked for a demo to make sure the product would suit our needs which he kindly arranged for me at the time.
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