XF 2.1 Members / The requested page could not be found.


Problem occurs with tooltips

If you create your own thread structure an error will occur if the username contains a number plus - at the beginning.

The URL: members/50-testuser.515312/?tooltip=true&_xfRequestUri=%2Frtest.93305.html&_xfWithData=1&_xfToken=1583761136%2C6145718627bbebbabe5a1c889697cb92&_xfResponseType=json

don't work:
    "status": "error",
    "errors": [
        "The requested page could not be found. (Code: invalid_action, controller: XF:Thread, action: XfWithData1XfToken15837611366145718627bbebbabe5a1c889697cb92XfResponseTypeJson)"
    "errorHtml": {
        "content": "\n\n<div class=\"blockMessage\">\n\t\n\t\tThe requested page could not be found. (Code: invalid_action, controller: XF:Thread, action: XfWithData1XfToken15837611366145718627bbebbabe5a1c889697cb92XfResponseTypeJson)\n\t\n</div>",
        "title": "Oops! We ran into some problems."

If you take the "50-" out of the URL, the URL works. What I wonder is why the parameters are used as action

Since I ONLY changed the thread structure is certainly a BUG that is favored by its own structures and I am happy about a fix.

The URL does not even have anything to do with my own structure!
This is almost certainly down to redirects added for your site (to redirect from an existing forum) that match on \d+- or something similar.

You can see from this error that it's actually triggering from the thread controller, and there wouldn't be any reason for us to have a members/ request ever hit that controller.
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