XF 1.3 Manual image and link proxy?


Well-known member
Is there a way to image/link proxy images and links that are in a sidebar?
I'm in the process of SSLing my site but these items are going to trigger a mixed content warning. It appears that the 1.3 proxy feature only applies to nodes and not the sidebar.

I also have an image in my footer that is going to give me the same issues.

One problem with these images is that they update periodically on the remote server (Market charts) so a permamnent proxy wouldn't work. Any way around this?
Since its a market chart (Gold Price), it updates every 15 minutes. If it were a static image I could certainly serve it locally.
Was hoping I could use some re-write image proxy magic on it. If not, I may have to create a cron that downloads the image to my server and then point to that as the image.
If it's changing every 15 minutes, the image proxy wouldn't really work for you - it's not designed to refresh that frequently. You probably need something bespoke.
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