XF 2.1 Low Google PageSpeed Rankning on Mobile


New member
So the score for Mobile is a bit low. This is the result:

This is the Xenforo forum's result:

My question is: How can i remove or reduce render-blocking resources ? Is that possible with how XenForo is built?
Any other things we can do to improve the performance on Mobile ?


We reduced the render-blocking substantially by replacing both occurrences of:
<script src="{{ js_url('xf/preamble.js') }}"></script> to
<script src="{{ js_url('xf/preamble.min.js') }}" async></script>

Within the template helper_js_global.

This boosted our score from 65-75 to the mid 80's.
Last edited:
We reduced the render-blocking substantially by replacing both occurrences of:
<script src="{{ js_url('xf/preamble.js') }}"></script> to
<script src="{{ js_url('xf/preamble.min.js') }}" async></script>
To be clear, it seems like there is only one instance of <script src="{{ js_url('xf/preamble.js') }}"></script>. Did you mean, change this:
    <xf:if is="$xf.fullJs">
        <script src="{{ js_url('xf/preamble.js') }}"></script>
    <xf:else />
        <script src="{{ js_url('xf/preamble.min.js') }}"></script>
to this:
    <xf:if is="$xf.fullJs">
        <script src="{{ js_url('xf/preamble.js') }}" async></script>
    <xf:else />
        <script src="{{ js_url('xf/preamble.min.js') }}" async></script>
To be clear, it seems like there is only one instance of <script src="{{ js_url('xf/preamble.js') }}"></script>. Did you mean, change this:
    <xf:if is="$xf.fullJs">
        <script src="{{ js_url('xf/preamble.js') }}"></script>
    <xf:else />
        <script src="{{ js_url('xf/preamble.min.js') }}"></script>
to this:
    <xf:if is="$xf.fullJs">
        <script src="{{ js_url('xf/preamble.js') }}" async></script>
    <xf:else />
        <script src="{{ js_url('xf/preamble.min.js') }}" async></script>

Yes, that's what I meant.

You can't realistically make preamble async; this is needed for feature detection and setup.
If you make it async XF might/will not initialize correctly and the UI might/will not be displayed/work properly.

Oh, I didn't know that. That's very good to know, thank you!
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