google pagespeed

  1. bzcomputers

    XF 2.2 Slow pagespeed LCP (Largest Contentful Paint) for pages with notices / cookie warning

    Recently Google has put more weight on pagespeed scores for LCP (Largest Contentful Paint). Now all my pages that have a notice on them (or cookie warning) fail / receive a poor rating. Unfortunately, this can in turn reflect negatively on each page's search rankings. I currently show a...
  2. ritesh

    Is there any caching add-on and speed tune-up tutorial available for 2021?

    I mentioned in my last thread that I'm interested in starting a Xenforo community. Speed is an important factor in 2021. Is there any caching add-on and tutorial available for 2021? I see [bd] Cache is there but it's unmaintained. Any other solution?
  3. S

    XF 2.1 Low Google PageSpeed Rankning on Mobile

    So the score for Mobile is a bit low. This is the result: This is the Xenforo forum's result: My question is: How can i remove or reduce render-blocking resources ? Is that possible with how XenForo is built? Any other things we can do to improve the performance on Mobile ? Edit We reduced...
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