
  1. D

    Swipe to show sidebar on mobile

    Instead of scrolling all the way down it would be better to show the sidebar when swiping left.
  2. XenConcept

    [XenConcept] Modern close overlay 2.0.0

    This addon allows you to use the back button of the browser to close overlay.
  3. Digest

    XF 2.2 Problem with mobile version

    There is a problem with the mobile version. It is solved only by changing the orientation. I'm attaching a video Chrome 122/0/6261 + PWA Android 13 Infinix X678B Xenforo v2.2.15
  4. S

    XF 2.2 Mobile view not loading full screen on launch

    Mobile view not loading full screen on launch. What needs to be tweaked here. When I scroll to all the way to bottom of forum or click on a thread , the forum then adjust the width to full width, loads fine then after. It may be some setting in my forum , but not sure where to adjust ... Pls...
  5. BassMan

    [cXF] Install App Notice 1.2.0

    Description Add a notice at the top of the forum about installing the mobile app with some extra features. Features add a notice to the top of your forum about installing the mobile app option to change the notice style in style properties (based on predefined XenForo notice styles with an...
  6. K

    Disable emojis in smilie menu on Android and iOS 1.0.0

    This Add-on disables the display of emojis in smilie menu on Android and iOS. Showing emojis in smilie menu is useful on devices that usually do not have native support for selecting emojis (eg. desktop devices). It is less useful though on mobile devices powered by Android or iOS on the other...
  7. S

    XF 2.2 Aligning and/or Re-scaling Header & Navigation Images

    Recently, we had help filling the navigation row with an image: which is working great when on full screen mode (Brave browser), with 100% zoom setting. However, when we switch to half-screen mode, the following happens: The header and navigation images are no longer aligned. Prompted by...
  8. BassMan

    [cXF] Mobile Footer 1.1.1

    Description: Add a fixed mobile footer with some extra features and customize it. Features: enable/disable mobile footer set page width to show the mobile footer set width for each tab for icon customize mobile footer container in style properties (background, border, etc.) move visitor tabs...
  9. M

    XF 2.2 Why am I unable to see my website Header on mobile view?

    I would like to see my site header on mobile. I have an iPhone and I'm not sure if it matters but I use Chrome/Safari. Is there some sort of CSS code I use to make this visible?
  10. Amin Sabet

    Unmaintained Speed Up Your Xenforo 2 Site (Especially on Mobile) with Ezoic

    Disclosure: I belong to the Ezoic Affiliate Program. If you find this resource helpful and decide to give Ezoic a try, I would appreciate your clicking my Ezoic referral link before signing up for Ezoic. You do not lose anything by doing so, and I get paid a referral fee. Let me first say...
  11. S

    XF 2.1 Low Google PageSpeed Rankning on Mobile

    So the score for Mobile is a bit low. This is the result: This is the Xenforo forum's result: My question is: How can i remove or reduce render-blocking resources ? Is that possible with how XenForo is built? Any other things we can do to improve the performance on Mobile ? Edit We reduced...
  12. ActorMike

    XF 2.1 Howto-Add Word "Menu" To Hamburger Icon

    I'm always asking questions, so I thought I would make a contribution. AB testing has shown adding the word MENU next to your Hamburger icon makes a significant improvement in user engagement. Adding a border or background color improves even further. I strongly suggest adding the word MENU at...
  13. ActorMike

    XF 2.1 solved-Mobile Portrait Mode in Forum List Latest Post Looks Bad!

    I'm trying to find out how I can change my forum list to match my previous format below. The first image is the old style in XF 1.5 and the second image is the XF 2.1. As you can see the Forum name is scrunched in.
  14. BassMan

    [cXF] Mobile logo header

    Would you like to have a mobile header with logo like this? As you can see you can have a mobile header, but when you scroll the logo will show in the navigation. To achieve this add code below to extra.less template: /* [cXF] Mobile logo header */ @media (max-width: @xf-responsiveMedium)...
  15. B

    XF 2.1 How to detect browser (mobile) and force style?

    There used to be a native function in Xenforo 1.5 but I can't seem to find it in Xenforo 2.1. I'd like to have two different styles, one for MOBILE and one for DESKTOP. Before any content is rendered, the system detects the device and delivers the appropriate style. Since Google places a...
  16. X

    Browser Detection 2.3.1

    A light-weight shim around Mobile_detect for XenForo 2 Usage (in templates) The add-on injects the global variable $xf.mobileDetect, check that the variable is set before calling any methods to prevent errors during upgrades or if the add-on is disabled. <xf:if is="$xf.mobileDetect &&...
  17. H

    Unmaintained Mobile / Browser Detection in Template 1

    Tested with XF 2.1.5. Not tested yet with XF 2.0, but i think it should work. Check FAQ section above. With this addon you can use template syntax in any template like this : <xf:if is="cutemb_is_mobile()"> You are using mobile <xf:else /> You are not using mobile </xf:if> <xf:if...
  18. S

    Local Laptop Testing and Mobile website support

    Good afternoon, I would like to preface my inquires by saying that I was introduced to XenForo by one of my favorite forums: "TheGearPage". I am impressed with the user experience and stability. (And this is coming from a Sr. .Net Developer...) Not wanting to re-invent the wheel so to...
  19. C

    XF 2.0 Having some trouble with logo URL on mobile devices

    Howdy folks! Our forum is on Xenforo 2.0 and we're having a bit of a weird problem with the URL for the logo. We are using the option to Link Logo to Home Page URL as we want the logo to link to our main site (not back to the forum home). -> On computers / in desktop mode, this works as...
  20. eaststandboy

    As designed Prefix not clickable in What's new and new posts

    Hey Noticed that the prefix is not linked when in the new posts or what's new section on mobile view. Not sure about desktop version. It is clickable in the forum view...
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