Just moved to https, my check list

I use nginx and I do it in the configuration:

server {
    listen 80 default_server;
    listen [::]:80 default_server;
    server_name _;
    return 301 https://$host$request_uri;


RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]


Backup before running these queries .. example.com is your board url:

UPDATE xf_conversation_message SET message = REPLACE(message,'http://www.example.com','https://www.example.com');

UPDATE xf_user_profile SET signature = REPLACE(signature,'http://www.example.com','https://www.example.com');

UPDATE xf_post SET message = REPLACE(message,'http://www.example.com','https://www.example.com');

How to update for Profile Posts Link? http:// to https://
The tables / fields should be:

xf_profile_post / message
xf_profile_post_comment / message

UPDATE xf_profile_post SET message = REPLACE(message,'http://www.example.com','https://www.example.com');
UPDATE xf_profile_post_comment SET message = REPLACE(message,'http://www.example.com','https://www.example.com');
Just had a thought. It's going to be impossible to keep my site from having mixed content isn't it because if a user posts a non https link to the site that pretty much breaks it. Well doesn't break it but will throw mixed content warnings?
Just curious, I just noticed when adding a link to my forum, via Fabook for example, it used to add my logo for instance if there was no image in the post, now it shows nothing, is this anything to do with the https move you think? It does post an image if there is one in a thread though like with "feature thread" by @Brogan. Thoughts?

Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 5.11.11 AM.webp Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 5.11.22 AM.webp
UPDATE xf_conversation_message SET message = REPLACE(message,'http://www.domain.com','https://www.domain.com');

UPDATE xf_user_profile SET signature = REPLACE(signature,'http://www.domain.com','https://www.domain.com');

UPDATE xf_post SET message = REPLACE(message,'http://www.domain.com','https://www.domain.com');

UPDATE xf_profile_post SET message = REPLACE(message,'http://www.domain.com','https://www.domain.com');

UPDATE xf_profile_post_comment SET message = REPLACE(message,'http://www.domain.com','https://www.domain.com');
  • Replace all references in xf_post > message from http tp https
tp or to?

Clarify please. Is this done in the Admin interface or via an MySQL query?

I'm interested in updating my forums, and might need a little volunteer help to deal with some of this.
Step one. Then you have to set up this forum to support the feature. With cPanel, latest version, we get free Comodo SSLs for our domains.
UPDATE xf_conversation_message SET message = REPLACE(message,'http://www.domain.com','https://www.domain.com');

UPDATE xf_user_profile SET signature = REPLACE(signature,'http://www.domain.com','https://www.domain.com');

UPDATE xf_post SET message = REPLACE(message,'http://www.domain.com','https://www.domain.com');

UPDATE xf_profile_post SET message = REPLACE(message,'http://www.domain.com','https://www.domain.com');

UPDATE xf_profile_post_comment SET message = REPLACE(message,'http://www.domain.com','https://www.domain.com');
Sorry, but was this answer in reference to my question?

This tool is more relevant than ever.

If its a link it should be -fine- as the 301 will take care of it.

The picture may be different I don't know if the image proxy takes care of links to images within your own forum. Obviously if its an attachment it should be OK because that is bbcode...

Look for grey shields(to the right on chrome and dev tools ctrl + alt + i or grey https not "green".
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