just ate raw eggs

EQnoble, I came to a conclusion that the biggest part of being healthy and in shape is to learn to be and stay hungry. Eat healthy balanced meals in such a way that you always feel hungry.
You aren't always hungry ... your hunger adjusts and you just get used to eating less calories.
FWIW, I do think Calorie Restriction can lead to a longer life. Exercise definitely leads to a longer life. Taking cholesterol pills won't make you live longer. Many people live longer because of good genes. An interesting diet way of eating is Intermittent Fasting (google it).
Because of Jake's quest for raw foods ... I am going to try it for one week. I'll need a week or so to "gear up" and see if my wife will agree. Is bread raw according to you Jake ?

Bread is very processed. Think "fresh off the vine" kind of stuff, before any kind of cooking or preparation.

My diet right now consists of:

- almonds
- avocados
- bananas
- apples
- eggs
- veggie drink
- tomatoes
- carrot juice

I try to get raw / organic of everything. I also try to avoid pasteurized foods. It's hard to find raw almonds (not pasteurized, with fuzz intact). My carrot juice is pasteurized. I need to get a juicer so I can make my own juice from raw veggies. Pasteurization is bad because it sterilizes the food, killing its flora and destroying some of the nutrients.
Although I agree that antibiotics are overused, probably the best example of their use is for the treatment and prevention of meningitis in newborns.

It's important to note that antibiotics tend to beget themselves. The more antibiotics you take, the less balanced your system becomes, the more susceptible you are to infection, the more antibiotics you need. If the mother's vaginal flora is out of whack then it may be from prior use of antibiotics. Yeast infections are common in women who take antibiotics. So to say that antibiotics help a problem that they likely caused is a bit misleading.
I'm personally happy with all the preservatives and chemicals in my diet (better living through chemicals has been a motto of mine for decades :p). I suspect my body will have a half-life of at least 500 years once I'm gone. :D
The results of a 20-year-long study on caloric restriction in rhesus monkeys provides the strongest evidence yet that a low-calorie diet produces life-extending metabolic changes in primates — even, perhaps, in people.
Fed a diet that provided adequate nutrition on 30 percent fewer calories than is considered normal, the monkeys have largely escaped the ravages of heart disease, cancer and other age-related diseases.

Caloric restriction appears to trigger energy-saving metabolic changes, activating metabolic pathways involved in regulating cell growth and repair.

Half the monkeys were fed a low-calorie diet, and the other half a standard diet. All were closely monitored, with researchers regularly measuring their body composition, blood chemistry and endocrine function, as well as heart and brain function. When monkeys died, they were necropsied and the causes of death established.

All the surviving monkeys are now at least 27 years old, the rhesus equivalent of old age. Those fed a calorically restricted diet have dramatically lower levels of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, brain atrophy and lean-muscle loss. Just five of the 38 restricted monkeys have died from age-related causes, compared to 14 of 38 in the control group.


Bread is very processed. Think "fresh off the vine" kind of stuff, before any kind of cooking or preparation.
uh oh. that's hard core !
I don't think bread is all that nutritious.
What about ezekiel bread ? (made from sprouts)
My diet right now consists of:
- almonds
- avocados
- bananas
- apples
- eggs
- veggie drink
- tomatoes
- carrot juice
Whoa !
That'd be tough for me.
I did an experiment on myself. For one month I ate just one regular (balanced) meal a day, had few snacks of raw fruits and veggies throughout my day and drunk only water and homemade juice. NEVER felt bloated, slept better, had more energy. Didn't lose or gain weight.

Rule #1: Never drink calories (sweet tea, sodas, supermarket juice, etc.)
Rule #2: If training to gain moderate muscle/strength, add protein powder to your daily diet.
EQnoble, I came to a conclusion that the biggest part of being healthy and in shape is to learn to be and stay hungry. Eat healthy balanced meals in such a way that you always feel hungry. Your belly must always be flat so that you can at any given time see and say hello to your flacid penis standing completely straight with slightly tilted head.

Instead of bench press I would do standing military press and a variety of pull-ups.

Good luck on your juicing.
If by staying hungry means eating proper portions (Which most people do not do), then you're right. If you mean by starving yourself, that'll just convince your body to convert what you eat to fat, and cause malnutrition.
Eating less food to lose weight doesn't work in the long-run anyhow, unless you literately "starve yourself to death". Your bodies metabolism will slow down to compensate and why you should do something like physical exercise also with a good low fat balanced diet that's not to high in carbohydrates to help burn off fat.
Extreme starvation works if you have strong will and discipline to endure it and then have strength to get out of it. Not a healthy way of losing weight though. I remember watching an old Soviet documentary about a group of healthy adults (males and females) embarking on two weeks hiking trip (if memory serves me well) with no food, just water. They discuss their struggle with the feeling of hunger. The first three days were the hardest, some had headaches; but after that it was managable.

Wild animals can go without food for days. They evolved to go through times of no food. I don't think our ancient ancestors had 3-4 times a day meals either.
Dieticians say weight loss is usually:

70% Dietary changes (ie. less calories)
20% Exercise
10% Good genetics.

So if you don't change your eating ... you won't lose weight.
Hay Jake, this is what you need man...it'll do you gooood! (see the veggies?)

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That kind of diet is what I would call a drain on the nhs here in the UK.

I think a sensible diet, exercise & generally looking after your body inside and out and you can't go wrong. I still wouldn't go the way of the raw egg diet though I think the main point in <insert your regime here> is you've got to like what you do/eat so there's a minimal chance of relapsing. That all depends though if you have serious health problems and forced to <insert regime/diet here> then it's a case of having to do it.
It's important to note that antibiotics tend to beget themselves. The more antibiotics you take, the less balanced your system becomes, the more susceptible you are to infection, the more antibiotics you need. If the mother's vaginal flora is out of whack then it may be from prior use of antibiotics. Yeast infections are common in women who take antibiotics. So to say that antibiotics help a problem that they likely caused is a bit misleading.
Just to chime in on this. There are actually natural treatments to help people get their body to a healthy state and recover from yeast infections. For one, I think you said it earlier, was to get rid of processed carbs/sugars as they feed on that. Another would be finding someone that is an Internal Health Specialist certified (I have this certification) and getting a product through them called SmI (it's an enzyme product). This is a great way to reduce systemic yeast as well it can be used as a douching agent for the woman to help regain the pH balance and natural flora of the vaginal canal.
Eating less food to lose weight doesn't work in the long-run anyhow, unless you literately "starve yourself to death". Your bodies metabolism will slow down to compensate and why you should do something like physical exercise also with a good low fat balanced diet that's not to high in carbohydrates to help burn off fat.
Low fat diet? That's one of the worst things for you. Fat is only bad if it's transfat, or animal fat in which the animal consumes a high grain diet, is injected with antibiotics, steroids, isn't able to "get out" and roam, etc. Dietary fat is very good for you and much of our problems now days is the stupid suggestions for many people to go on low fat diets. It's the processed carbs that are doing us in. Once the "low fat diet" suggestions came about in the medical community, heart disease shot straight up.
Wild animals can go without food for days. They evolved to go through times of no food. I don't think our ancient ancestors had 3-4 times a day meals either.
We were built to store fat for this very reason. Our "starvation" period was the winters so we would beef up prior to the winter (hence a massive feast for thanksgiving). But now...we are constantly in a thanksgiving mode, thus storing fat all the time...on top of not being active enough.
Dieticians say weight loss is usually:

70% Dietary changes (ie. less calories)
20% Exercise
10% Good genetics.

So if you don't change your eating ... you won't lose weight.
Food actually influences genetics. The current theory out there is that nothing is genetic and it's actually epigenetics (basically things that change the gene - I wish I had a recent research article I just read about this to link here) that do the work. They are markers on the genes that, yes, your parents pass down...but think of it as a yellow book amongst black bound books in a large bookshelf; you are likely to pick out those yellow books but with a proper lifestyle, you don't have to. It's been shown numerous times that raw food influences these epigenetics to turn on ones to combat cancer and reverse diseases...and even some MD's have changed their practices to getting people off their meds, off the junk food, and eating a raw food diet with exercise and have had awesome success with reversing literally anything that walks into their offices.

But anyways, you are correct about diet being the biggest thing for body transformations (although, I don't believe in the calorie restriction as they actually need to compare a calorie restricted raw diet vs a non restricted raw diet - bc let's face it...if you are eating less processed, chemical stuff, sugary, transfat, substances, then yes, you will likely live longer lol).
One thing I noticed about juicing is that it improves your stool. Doing #2 becomes less of a daunting task.

I used to eat raw eggs in my childhood, namely, gogol-mogol. That's raw eggs and powdered sugar mixed in a blender to look like this:

It's a bad idea not just because of the taste, but also the nutritional value (bioavailability) is only about half that of cooked. There's also a risk of salmonellosis.
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