Not a bug jQuery not loading in v 2.3.0

Affected version
Many jQuery errors after upgrading to 2.3.0.

/src/XF/Template/Templater.php (public function fnCoreJs) not longer loads jQuery.

The current version (jquery.slim) does not have required functions (like $.ajax).

Temporary fix was to add the following to the PAGE_CONTAINER template
<script src="" integrity="sha256-pvPw+upLPUjgMXY0G+8O0xUf+/Im1MZjXxxgOcBQBXU=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script>$ = jQuery;</script>
That is fine. But all the add-ons that still need jQuery are now broken.

So maybe, for a transition like this, leave jQuery in place. Maybe with an option to use or not use it.
No need for me to worry about that. I will be converting to another forum software before the next renewal payment. Your responses just tell me that you could care less about my concerns. You really are vBulletin.

Here is a suggestion, just close this forum, no need to have if the result of using it is useless.
No need for me to worry about that. I will be converting to another forum software before the next renewal payment. Your responses just tell me that you could care less about my concerns. You really are vBulletin.

Here is a suggestion, just close this forum, no need to have if the result of using it is useless.
Ridiculous comment. It's up to you to check compatibility before upgrading. There are a multitude of threads here on XF 2.3 that concern any and all upgrades.
There is that thing on the top right of the forum called "Search" that so many people do not utilize...
I apologize if I seemed dismissive, that wasn't my intention.

About 10 months ago we announced that our JS framework has been rewritten to use vanilla JavaScript instead of jQuery. Prior to the release of version 2.3.0, we bundled jQuery slim to ease the transition for add-on developers. However, due to the changes in our JS framework, even bundling the full version of jQuery wouldn't provide complete compatibility with JS handlers written for version 2.2.

While we strive to maintain backward compatibility, sometimes API changes are necessary in order to move things forward. This means that some add-ons for older versions will require updates to work with newer versions.

If the code you're having issues with doesn't rely on our core JS framework, it's possible to restore the full version of jQuery globally with a template edit as you have done, but this is not officially supported and will not work in many cases.
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